All Google Ads attribution reports will soon include cross-device conversion data

To bring consistency to reporting, Google Ads will begin including cross-device conversion data in all attribution reports starting May 1. This includes metrics such as Conversions total, Conversions Value and Last Click Conversions.

Why you should care. Currently, cross-device conversion activity is only included in the Devices, Assisting Devices and Device Paths attribution reports. That means conversion metric calculations are inconsistent when looking at different reports. The change will mean cross-device metrics are included and treated the same across all attribution reports.

Not retroactive. Keep in mind that the cross-device conversion data will only go back as far as May 1, 2019. Any attribution reporting that spans the period before and after will reflect both conversion metric calculations.

You’ll find a full breakdown on the metrics that will be updated May 1 by attribution report in this Google Ads support page.

About The Author

Ginny Marvin is Third Door Media’s Editor-in-Chief, managing day-to-day editorial operations across all of our publications. Ginny writes about paid online marketing topics including paid search, paid social, display and retargeting for Search Engine Land, Marketing Land and MarTech Today. With more than 15 years of marketing experience, she has held both in-house and agency management positions. She can be found on Twitter as @ginnymarvin.

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