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Blogging is a great platform to earn money through affiliate marketing. However, it’s best to diversify your efforts to generate more revenue streams. Instagram is one of the best platforms to increase your passive income stream for your affiliate programs.

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Instagram’s affiliate marketing enables influencers and brands to collaborate, thus increasing their followers and improving their reputation. Since Instagram’s start, users flocked to the platform to increase their followers, engagement, and audience.

In fact, 29% of Instagram’s top posts come from brand ambassadors and influencers. This shows how helpful Instagram in marketing your blog.

But how can you do affiliate marketing for your blog? Here are some of the ways:

Focus on a niche

Create content targeted on a niche that has a strong following. Choose a niche which has a long-term audience so you don’t need to always be on the lookout for short-term followers. Don’t create content that is geared towards the general public.

Instead, focus on a specific niche to make your content interesting for users. You want to target people who will keep coming back for your content, not those who’ll just visit your blog one time. You can do this by specializing in a certain niche.

Not only does this make you an expert in your chosen field, but this also helps you create quality content. You get used to creating content that revolves around one topic or niche, thus you become really good at it through time.

Use Instagram stories

Instagram Stories was launched in Nov. 2016, and since then, it allowed people to peek into the daily lives of popular influencers. Use this to your advantage as stories give you a closer connection to your audience.

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They have a more personal feel compared to ordinary posts because you make an extra effort in opening them. Instagram stories also bring out people’s curiosity as they look forward to what story you’ll share the next day. It’s just like sharing your day’s highlights to your followers. This also makes you look approachable to your followers.

Let your blog and Instagram work together

Your blog should work alongside your Instagram account. This works best for travel, beauty, or lifestyle blogs. An example of this is sharing inspirational quotes on Instagram that link back to your inspirational blog post.

Use Instagram as an extension of your blog and as a means to promote it. You can also create a blog page which displays your offered products using Instagram photos.

Use personal photos

There are a lot of stock photo sites you can choose from. However, it’s still better if you use your own photos. It might need more time and effort, but it makes your Instagram more genuine and personalized.

Having these two traits helps conversion because people see the real brand, not something that’s grabbed from somewhere. This also lets people know that you are directly involved with your brand.

Grow your account responsibly

Acquiring Instagram likes and followers is necessary to hasten the growth of your brand. It gives a good impression on people that your brand and products are worth buying. There are many ways to get more likes and followers.

Aside from growing them organically through your content and ads, you may want to buy Instagram followers with DigiSMM. It’s an ingenious way of building your following because it complements your organic approach.

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Buying followers also help amplify your influence on Instagram so you can generate more affiliate sales from your followers. At the very least, you should highly consider making it part of your Instagram strategy.

Run paid search



Use Google Adwords to run a paid search on your Instagram page. However, you need to have a specific conversion rate goal in mind. Also, do an accurate keyword search to target the right audience. It might mean paying more, but it’s still worth it because this assures you’ll get better figures and a higher engagement rate.


Follow the tips mentioned if you want to make the most out of being an Instagram affiliate influencer. Not only does this make your blog more credible, but it also helps establish yourself on Instagram much easier. Ultimately, this leads to better conversions and higher profits.

Just make sure that your blog and Instagram page work together and can stand out from the rest. Also, hasten strong connections with fellow influencers for you to know the trend and avoid mistakes.

Remember, no man is an island and you don’t need to treat everyone aside from yourself as your rivals. Yes, they might be your competitors, but you can also use their presence to your advantage.

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