What Is the Blog Commenting Secret Sauce?

I just bought 8 GB of memory for my phone.

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Tiny investment.

But years ago I would have cheaped out and avoided spending $10 USD on memory. I convinced myself I could not afford much of anything. I did spend $7 on hosting each month. Yikes. Big problems as my blog traffic grew. I had to upgrade. But if I did not upgrade I would have went nowhere because my blog crashed 20 times daily and loaded as slowly as a snail moving on an Arctic winter day.

Blogging cheapies go nowhere.

Invest money in your blog or it cannot grow. Invest money in your blog or else you cannot scale. Based on the volume of traffic my blog receives daily I could not use my 10 years prior, $7 a month, cheapie hosting because my blog would crash continually.

I invested in my VPS last month, for the year. I paid up to play up. I have confidence and clarity my blog easily handles traffic surges and the routine, normal, higher volume of traffic I generate through my blog daily. I have no issues publishing 5-10 posts daily for my VPS can handle it. I worry not I am taking up too much as far as server resources.


I am no longer a cheapie.

I invest money now to make more money in the future. Simple formula. I do not lose money or spend money. I do not throw away money or waste money. I invest money to make more money.

Phone Memory

My wife Kelli and I have 2 phones but we cracked one recently in Bangkok. OK; I cracked it. Anyway, we can still use the phone but the camera is off. Damaged. Knowing this, we have used our backup phone recently. Kelli dove into live broadcasts on Facebook, doing 1 daily. I do 1-2 live broadcasts daily.

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For whatever reason, we bought the phone with only 8 GB of memory. Yikes. Android eats up about 4 GB right off of the bat. Facebook eats up serious memory, as do other apps. Toss in 2-3 broadcasts daily and the phone has been slow.

Performance has been an issue. I deleted apps and streamlined the sucker but if you use 6 GB out of 8 GB for basic maintenance, you swim upstream.

Cheapie me would have suffered through performance issues on the phone, fearing to spend money or lose money on buying more memory. Abundant-feeling, current day me went to the local phone store here in Thailand, bought 8 GBs of memory and now the phone loads lightning fast.

I also bought my favorite yogurt-milk on the way, at 7-11. Here it is.

I can Instagram with zero worries. Video quality jumped. I see greater success now because I invested money in my blogging business.

I have invested thousands of dollars in my blogging business over the years because it takes money to make money as an entrepreneur. It takes investment to get your business up and running. It takes money to grow your business the right way.

You cannot be on the blogging fence, as I shared at Dear Blogger. Ya gotta be ALL IN.

Cheap Bloggers

Meanwhile, cheap bloggers on free platforms, downloading only free eBooks and courses, using terrible-looking, free themes, struggle and fail because you cannot move up in blogging circles being a cheapie. Established pros like me never link to bloggers on free platforms; how can you be a serious, trusted blogger if you fear spending $7 a month?

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Cheap bloggers guarantee their failure because you cannot outrun or outwork your fear of spending money.

Invest money in your blogging business to make more money with your blogging business. We are entrepreneurs who blog. Entrepreneurs invest money to build businesses the right way, from an abundant, generous vibe.

Observe Zac Johnson. He has made millions online over decades. Imagine how much money he invested in his business to scale effectively, to leverage his presence effectively and to build a granite-like foundation for his million dollar venture.

If you think investing in your blogging business is too expensive, wait until you see how much it costs you NOT to invest in your blogging business.

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