Chicago Company Highlights Importance of SEO for Doctors – Press Release

Doctors in Chicago are being urged to use the internet more if they want to attract more patients and bring awareness to their services. The suggestion comes from CEO and founder of the Chicago Website Design SEO Company Jack Lombardi. CWDSC helps to connect doctors and patients through search engine optimization services. SEO refers to a number of strategies used to enhance a website so users can find it when they search for related keywords.

People are using the internet to find almost every product and service they need. This means those businesses which don’t have a web presence will find it increasingly hard to attract clients and increase competitiveness. Doctors are not left out of this development. In 2013, 80 percent of Internet users searched for a health-related topic, according to research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. This makes health information one of the most searched categories on the internet and Lombardi says helping doctors to improve their websites will be of great benefit to both them and their patients.

One of the key aims of SEO is to get a business on the first page of search engine result pages. This is because most users don’t look past the first page when they are trying to find a product or service. They trust that the first few entries they see are the best, most relevant and most authoritative. Therefore, doctors need to pay attention to their SEO if they want to attract new clients and build stronger relationships with existing patients. An optimized website puts a medical practice in front of people who are searching for medical services around them as well as those looking for specific services and doctors. Patients do their research online, so the doctor’s website is often the first point of contact instead of the receptionist on the phone.

Search engine-optimized websites are ideal for a range of practitioners including plastic surgeons, chiropractors, cardiologists, OB/GYNs, dentists, and medical spa professionals. Cosmetic dermatologists and vein specialists will also find it useful. “With search engine optimization services, doctors can connect with patients nearby, keep them in the loop about new services and provide health education. It also helps them to communicate better with potential patients and turn website browsers into clients,” Lombardi says. The CEO points out that SEO spans a wide range of services including marketing, website design, content marketing, medical writing and more.

CWDSC uses proven strategies for getting medical practices on the first page of the most popular search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The company’s SEO services also push businesses up the rankings on the review site Yelp. Lombardi says the aim is to improve competitiveness and target individuals who are looking for what a particular medical practice has to offer.

He says one of the first things the company’s SEO professionals do is ensure the client has a well-structured website. This is because poorly designed websites are less likely to rank at the top of search engines’ results pages. They are also less likely to engage visitors even if they do come across them. To further improve clients web presence, the company assists them in creating professionally written content which is based on keyword research. This involves identifying the words and phrases which people are most likely to type into search engines in an effort to find out what to rank for. CWDSC also looks after clients’ social media management and online reputation management to ensure both on-page and off-page SEO are taken care of.

Lombardi stresses that while medical practitioners are more concerned with their day-to-day operations and treating patients, they should not let digital marketing fall by the wayside. He says SEO is crucial to reaching the right people in 2019 and this would only become more important in the future. Lombardi says SEO for doctors should not be overlooked if a practice wants to grow and become more profitable.


For more information about Chicago Website Design SEO Company, contact the company here:

Chicago Website Design SEO Company
Jack Lombardi
[email protected]
10 S. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL. 60606

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