How to Drive Blog Traffic through Facebook: 7 Smart Tips

Tropical birds provide background music for me as I write these words from Thailand. How’s that sound for developing  successful blogging mindset?

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The sun shines brilliantly. My home office feels cool and inviting.

A cold drink sits on the desk.

I am a stunning success now but did live in survival mode for a bit. I also became a humble servant. Servants do not get paid well. Ask a maid or butler.

The best blogging role you can play in this life time is that of a stunning success.

Success is your birthright. Success is yours now. Take it. Seize it. Give your energy to success. See your wins. Accelerate your blogging growth.

Blogging Mindset

Realize this: being successful is as simple as shifting your focus to positive ideas. After making that shift everything changes, from your thoughts, to feelings, to actions.

Example; you are reading this post. See this as being positive. Stunning success is yours because you are learning from a guy whose life reads like a movie. Big time win. Easy win too.

Check out this photo I snapped from my 4 month trip to Fiji.

blogging mindset

What 10 positive things happened blogging-wise today? You published a post. I see that as a positive. You broadcast live on Facebook. Make that a positive. You feel better about your blog, right? Good. You have success within and feel successful so you will see success in the physical world. Where your energy goes, grows.

How to Leave Survival Mode and Servant Mode Behind

Kill 2 birds with one stunning success stone: leave both poverty conscious states of mind behind by developing a vision of your dream life.

Easy peasy.

This step involves sitting in a quiet room and allowing a picture of your dream life to appear in your mind. Either narrate the picture to yourself or let the image pop up in your mind.

Add details to make it feel real. Visualize your success.

Relax and listen to intuitive nudges.

The split second you see your dream and feel it as being real, the dream expands into physical form, for where your attention and energy goes, grows. See success. Success expands. Quite simple.

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Exit survival mode – just trying to get by and pay bills with your blog – and leave servant mode while you are at it. Success seekers become the best in the world in their blogging niche. Forget trying to just survive. Leave behind the self-image of being a humble servant, a less than slave, putting people on a pedestal or not seizing your success, your brilliance, your most spectacular dream.

Success is your birthright. Grab the spotlight. Make more money. Help more folks. Step up into stunning success as you move higher and higher in blogging circles.

Create and Connect

Create uplifting content to inspire your readers.

This is from one of my many trips to Bali.

From one of my many trips to Bali.

Connect with top pros in your blogging niche by helping them.

Following these practical tips becomes easier and easier after you give your sole attention to:

  • your dreams
  • your success
  • positive thoughts and feelings

Focus on success. Watch how quickly success expands in your experience.

Creating and connecting is the work part of blogging but if you focus on positive ideas the work becomes easy because it is simple. Listen to your readers. How can you help them? Serve up valuable content through your blog posts.

Connecting with top pros is as simple as reading their posts, commenting genuinely on their blogs and promoting them. Easy.

World Famous Features

I landed features on Fox News among other world famous sites by building a vision of a fun, freeing life.

Do the same to see stunning success.

Features on famous blogs follow positive focused bloggers who know they are succeeding now. Focus on the moment. Feel good about every blogging win you see today. Feel good about your success. Success is as certain as the night following the day because you were born into a legacy of success. Let go any mental image of being a struggling servant or someone desperately trying to survive.

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Step into your most spectacular dreams now.

Spectacular is ordinary in my life because I see spectacular as normal. Who knows if I am going to Bali or Malaysia next? Maybe I will just fly back to New York City. We will see.

I visualized this dream life and followed my intuition. My intuition nudged me to take certain actions from a chill, relaxed energy.

Energy Game

Energy is everything guys. Your life follows your energy. Focus on your dreams but do so from a relaxed, peaceful, chill vibe. See your vision as if it is real, already. Know you are succeeding now.

If you have this picture in mind you can relax. No need to work hard, to panic or to hurry. No need to rush or force things. Survival mode bloggers panic and hurry because these folks have no vision or dreams; survival mode bloggers just want to survive, being desperately driven by circumstances.

This is from one of my many trips to Thailand.

You know better.

You follow Blogging From Paradise.

Slow Down and Calm Down Because Success Is Already Yours

Your vision tells you to slow down, to calm down and to allow stunning success to flow your way in calm, confident fashion.

I spent most of today offline. After watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones – second time – with expat buddies here in Chiang Mai I am settling in to finish this post. My mental image makes it happen. My focus on success allows my blogging success to expand.

You get to have a life offline – and a rich one at that – as your online success expands. Seize this chief benefit of developing a winning blogging mindset. Exit survival mode and cease being a lowly servant by using your mind power to picture immense blogging success. Move into calm, confident, relaxed action to allow this success to come into form.



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