
Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27

Product Name: Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27

Click here to get Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27 at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Make More Sales…
And Grab More Customers – Using My Confidential & 100%


“I’ll Even Give You a
“Fast-Start Plan” Today That You Can Use To Get Valuable Free
Advertising In The NEXT 30 Minutes!”

From: Jeff Gardner

Free Advertising Expert, Author, & Speaker

Over the last 22+ years, I’ve
generated alot in sales… and built a
huge customer list… using very powerful, but very
easy-to-understand “Free Advertising” Methods.

If you want to know how to
instantly increase your sales… and grow a bigger
customer list – without spending another dime on marketing or
advertising, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter. Remember, these are strategies that anyone can use in their own business. This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a training program where you can the learn the top marketing strategies and immediately put them in your business.

You already know that the key to finding customers… making
sales… building a customer list… and ultimately, growing your business – is Advertising
& Marketing.

There’s a famous quote that says…

 “Without advertising, something
terrible happens. Nothing.”

To survive and thrive in any
business… small or large… you’ve absolutely got to advertise.

Without advertising, “Nothing”

But there are tons of PROBLEMS with
normal, run-of-the-mill paid advertising:

Prospective customers don’t
trust paid ads. People expect advertisers to
lie and claim that their product is best, even if it isn’t.


“You get what you pay for”.
The more people you want to reach, the
more money you end up paying. But bigger ads don’t always
produce the
biggest response!

If you’re in a large market,
your paid ads are competing with lots of other
ads for the same space – some ads run by companies with
deeper pockets
and bigger budgets.

If your paid advertising fails
to produce any sales or customers, there’s no
refund. You just lost your ad investment – and
have nothing to show for

Worst of all, Paid
Advertising EXPIRES! So you’ve got to keep paying for

newer ads all the time.

You can’t run a real business
without paying for advertising.

Pay-per-click ads. Magazine ads.
Direct mail. Radio & TV commercials. Banner ads. CPA and CPM. Co-Registration. Inserts.
Yellow Pages Ads.

It ALL costs money.

And, if you don’t know what
you’re doing, you can lose a lot of money very

quickly. I’ve heard too many
horror stories of people who have invested

Even advertising pro’s end up
wasting money testing and re-testing new

products, offers, and websites –
trying to figure out what works and what

doesn’t. I guarantee the biggest
name marketers you know still end up

wasting a portion of their ad
budgets on advertising that simply doesn’t work.

If this is confusing… frustrating…
or worrisome to you, you’re going to love what I’m about to share with you:

You Can Get a Lifetime of Advertising –

Absolutely FREE!

There is a virtually unlimited
amount of free and low-cost advertising that you can get…

through magazines, direct mail,
pay-per-click ads, banners, search engines, and even TV

and radio… that you’re missing out
on, because you don’t know HOW to get it.

But you’re not alone.

98% of people simply do NOT know how to get
their fair share of the “Free Advertising” that’s available every

In fact, most people don’t even know
that “free advertising” is available.

What is Free

“Free Advertising” is basically
marketing that costs you nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

It’s F-R-E-E.

It’s advertising that appears in
magazines, search engines, pay-per-click ads, TV, radio, and
even in direct mail… but you pay
absolutely nothing.

I’ve been very fortunate to be one
of the few people to discover “free advertising” – and

I’ve used it to generate new
business and customers for my company, every month, for the last
20 years.

My name is Jeff Gardner and
I’m a marketing experts, author, and speaker who teaches others
how to find and get free advertising.

I had to quickly scramble to
figure out how to market – with NO MONEY.

I read every marketing book,
course, and system I could get my hands on, looking for “no-cost marketing”
ideas. I interviewed experienced marketers who’d been in the
business for decades. And I created a special file of every
“free advertising” trick, technique, strategy, and secret I
could find.

Long story short, I found a handful
of amazingly simple,
yet powerful methods to get thousands of dollars worth

advertising – at absolutely no cost.

I can truly say that the “free
advertising” methods I discovered saved my small start-up

company many years ago. Those
no-cost marketing strategies have built my
company into the corporation it is today.

Since then, I’ve helped many, many
business owners solve their business and marketing problems – through
“Free Advertising”:

You can grow bit fast, without a big ad budget
or risking your start-up capital testing pay-per-click,
direct mail, magazine, or any other type of marketing.
Free advertising is the solution.


If you are in desperate need of
help, but can’t afford the advertising necessary to get
things rolling againl…
Free advertising is the


you simply don’t know where to start… Free advertising is the solution.


Want to
MAXIMIZE YOUR SALES and instantly increase your customer
list – without spending a dime?
advertising is the solution.


Do you need to grow your prospect
and client list fast… online or off? The fastest, easier,
and cheapest way is through no-cost marketing.

advertising is the solution.


Get published
in magazines, be interviewed on TV and radio, and get
featured in books! Yes, you can become a “guru”.
advertising is the solution.

In fact, here’s why I think “Free
Advertising” is important to add to any business, no matter
what stage it’s at…

The Top 5 Reasons Why Every

Should Be Using ‘FREE

 It’s like doubling your
advertising… without spending a penny more.

Free Advertising Can Make You
an “Instant Celebrity”.
Imagine becoming a
celebrity in your market… a “household name”… in 30 to 60
days or less? It’s entirely
possible – using these free advertising techniques. You,
your story, and your product
can be featured in magazines, newsletters, newspapers, TV,
radio, and online thru
websites, blogs, and ezine – making you a virtual
“Superstar” in your market. If
you’re looking for a way to make your name known in your
market, the answer is
through “free advertising”, not paid.

By the way, people WANT
to do business with the celebrities in their market. Even if
you don’t want “fame”, this “instant celebrity” translates
quickly into more sales.

Free Advertising Builds Trust
and Gives You Instant Credibility.
The main
reason that people don’t buy is that they don’t know who
they can trust. Building
credibility and trust with your customers is key to
converting more sales. With my
“Free Advertising” strategies, you’ll instantly create a
strong bond of trust with your
customers, while they remain skeptical of your competition.

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If you’re looking for a way to
separate yourself from your competitors – and create a fast,
strong relationship with your market, the key way to do it
is through “Free Advertising”.

Free Advertising Can Help You
Reach More People.
One of the most exciting
reasons why you’ll want to add “Free Advertising” to your
marketing is the fact that
it can put your name, story, or product in front of your targeted customers, for no money. With paid
advertising, you pay for the number of
people who will ultimately see your ad. The more people you
want to reach, the
more money you pay. But with my “Free Advertising”
strategies, you honestly have the potential to reach
your people – with no advertising costs.

Plus, Some Free Advertising
Never Expires!
There are also no-cost marketing
methods that can work for you, automatically, for many
years. In fact, some of these
“Free Advertising” methods can run on auto-pilot, 24-hours a
day, 7 days a week…
even while you’re out goofing off. Simply put them into
action one time – and you
can see the benefits for weeks, months, even years. While
others are forced to pay,
again and again, to run their paid ads, you’ll be enjoying
the benefits of long-term
free advertising that never expires!

Now, I have shared these methods
with others over the last 20 years.

I’ve taught my “Free Advertising”
strategies at live marketing conferences and workshops.

I’ve contributed chapters on no-cost
marketing to books and courses. And I even published my own
“Free Advertising Riches” course a few years ago – and sold a
few hundred thousand dollars worth.

In fact, here are just a few
testimonials and “Success Stories” from people I’ve taught my methods to.

Success Stories

3 Months of Advertising

“I used only 2 strategies and it
will bring in over CENSORED in the next 3 months with no
advertising costs. INCREDIBLE.”

The Results are
Impressive!“Congratulations on producing
such an excellent program. So many times when purchasing
other programs, vital parts and methods are omitted. But
you, Mr. Gardner, are true to your word and give detailed
step-by-step instructions exactly how to get free
advertising. I have tried three of your techniques so far
and the results are impressive. DOLLAR AMOUNTS CENSORED! I look forward with great anticipation for your next exciting and informative program.”

Huntingdon Valley, PA

“…I used to think of press
releases as the only way to get free advertising. This
program was an eye-opener for me. It is a great tool-kit
which opens up many doors to free advertising.”

Drive Your
Competition Nuts!

“There’s no greater satisfaction
than knowing you’re using ‘free
advertising’ than your competitors make with PAID ads, on
the very same page, in the very same publication! If you’re
still paying for all your ads, you’re missing the boat. Get
in on free advertising – It’ll drive your competition nuts!”

– Lou Renna Renna

And these are only a handful of the
testimonials I’ve received over the years.

Want to See More
Success Stories?
Just click the link here.

As you can tell from the feedback,
my free advertising strategies really work!

And I honestly believe that if
you’re NOT using my no-cost marketing techniques… you’re

losing money, sales, and customers
that you could be picking up – absolutely free.

So, to help you get started using my
proven methods, I’ve put together a training program that will help you start putting my
“Free Advertising” strategies into action immediately – and build them into your marketing
over the next 12 months!

“Free Advertising Academy™”:

A 12-Month Training Program for

More Traffic, Sales, &
Customers –

With 100%
FREE Advertising!

I created the “Free Advertising
Academy” to show you, step-by-step, how to start marketing
your products, services, or
offers – at absolutely no cost.

Every month, for 12 full months,
you’ll get another “Free Advertising Action Plan”

with a NEW no-cost marketing
method.  As a member of the “Free Advertising

Academy”, you’ll get a monthly email
with a link to a secret site – where you can download that month’s current “Action Plan”.

Each “Free Advertising Action Plan”
completely explains that month’s no-cost marketing

strategy… as well as gives you a
quick assignment to complete, so you’ll immediately be able to put this strategy into action.

Over the next 12 months, I’ll cover
everything you need to know to get all of the free advertising your business can
handle, including…

How to get Full-Page Ads in
national magazines… every single month…
FOR FREE!  (Best of
all, I’ll show you how to
than all of the paid ads in
the same magazine!)

“The Instant Advertising
Formula”. Get no-cost advertising in as little as 5 minutes
after I show you this cool method – and watch it create a
completely NEW income
stream for your company.

How to build a list of 5,000 new customers from scratch… in 7 to 10 days or less. Each method and your results will vary from person to person and company to company.

in 8 Weeks – Without Investing One Dime of My Own Money.

The “Automatic Marketing
Secret” – A clever strategy for leveraging “O.P.T.&.M”
– and making sales, building your customer list, and results will vary from person to person!

How YOU Can Become an
“Instant Celebrity” – and be featured on TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, and even be mentioned in books!


My Passive
Method: How I started my company selling a product I didn’t own – using 100% no-cost marketing. (This
one method alone can revolutionize how you market your

And much, much, much more!


“Jeff, thanks to your program, I
was able to get a full page story in the
lifestyle section of my hometown newspaper and four pages on
weekly paper, 2 half-hour shows on TV and many mentions of
my product
on 3 or 4 TV stations. All this translated into about CENSORED, which is about
all this media would have cost. When we last spoke on the
phone, you gave
other great ideas that I’m now using. I’m going to be
producing an infomercial during August on my product. Jeff, I can’t thank you enough.
Keep coming up with fantastic ideas.”

This is NOT another ebook that’ll
sit unused on your hard drive. It’s also NOT a huge

course that’ll just sit on your
shelf gathering dust.

I’ve broken my Free Advertising
methods into 12 monthly “bite-sized” Action Plans… so you’ll have time to put each month’s
strategy into action. You’ll get 30 full days to put each new
no-cost marketing method into action
for your products, before the next one arrives.

By doing it this way, you’ll
finally get what you really want: BIG RESULTS!

Then, after 12 months, you’ll have
an entire “Free Advertising” system in place, growing

your traffic… building your customer
list… and making you more sales.


Action Plan In The Next 5 Minutes!

To get you started immediately, so
you’ll understand how fast and simple it is to get real

READ ALSO  Welcome toughenup.com - BlueHost.com

“free advertising”, I’ve created a
“Fast-Start” Action Plan that you’ll get immediately after joining the “Free Advertising

This “Beginner’s Guide” really gives
you some super-easy and incredibly fast things you can do to start to see positive results
– without spending a single cent on more ads.

In fact, when you join my “Free
Advertising Academy” today and download this
special “Fast-Start” Action Plan immediately, you’ll instantly discover…

How to get your best offers into
the hands of your most valuable
prospects… Absolutely FREE!

A “No-Brain Strategy” for
creating instant income streams – using tons of free
advertising space you have available right now!

The _________!
How one simple report can give you
 promotion of your company, your products, and even your affiliate links…

for years to come – at no cost to you.

How to Get Your Face, Name, and
Website on the most VALUABLE INTERNET
SITES – and Get Lots and Lots of “BUYER TRAFFIC”!

And more. Lots more.

I’ll explain ALL of this – inside
the “Fast-Start” Action Plan you’ll get when you

join the “Free Advertising Academy” today.

Then, each month thereafter, simply
use my newest “Free Advertising Action Plan” in your own business, and you’ll
start to see massive results…

 Increase traffic to your site instantly…

Build a growing customer list faster and easier…

Increase sales of your products and services…

Results will vary..

Build credibility in your marketplace…

Become a celebrity in your market…

Get featured in magazines, books, and on TV and radio

Become a magnet for even more opportunities…

You can get all of this, just by
using the “Free Advertising” methods that I’m offering

Of course, as you imagine, any
information that can make do all of this… without any

additional advertising or marketing
costs… is incredibly valuable.

And some have suggested that I box
up my knowledge and experience and pay

what “everyone else is charging”.

Well, I’ll tell you what I told

Forget What Everyone Else is

Join The “FREE
Advertising Academy”!

don’t know if you’ve seen what other marketers are charging for
their training programs,

but the price seems to be creeping
higher and higher.

Listen, I know what it’s like to
get excited about a new marketing system,

only to see that it’s so
expensive that you just can’t afford it. Or worse, you

buy on their “payment plan”… and
only end up with more credit card debt,

not the income or results that
were promised.

I know what it’s like to try to
start and build a business with virtually no

money. Heck, that’s why I was
forced to find these free advertising strategies in the first place. I didn’t
have any money to advertise, so it was either find a way to advertise with no money –
or give up.

understand. And that’s why I
decided to make membership into my “Free Advertising

Academy” absolutely affordable for
ANYONE who wants to join.

The training takes place over the
next 12 months, but you can cancel at anytime, via email. No hassles, no headaches, no
questions asked. You must see the results you want – or you

don’t pay a single dime.

But just to make sure you’re
comfortable joining me today, I’m going to give you a “better-than-risk-free” guarantee…

My “Free
Advertising Academy” Must Work

As Promised, Or

It’s Absolutely

If at any time during those
first 8 weeks, you’re not getting real free advertising
using my methods – or you’re unhappy for ANY REASON at all,
simply email me or Clickbank directly – and every dime will be refunded,
no questions asked. You either love it… or you get
all of your money back – and you
can keep the first 8 weeks of training as my gift to you for giving this a
– FREE… Even if You Request a Refund!

That makes The “Free Advertising

How’s that for fair?

You can sample my training for 8
full weeks… with the risk squarely on my back… and if

you’re not completely convinced that
it can get you all of the free advertising that you’d

ever want, you don’t pay a dime.

Join the “Free
Advertising Academy” Right

Now – And Get
Free Advertising Today!

Click Here to
Take the Free Advertising Academy for a Risk-Free
“Test Drive” – and Start Getting Free Advertising Today!

Yes, in just a few minutes, you
can access your first “Free Advertising Action Plan” – and start claiming some
of the thousands of dollars worth of
free advertising available every month.

Imagine… in the
next 12 months… you could dramatically increase your

website traffic… make many more
sales… build a much larger customer

mailing list… and have a more
successful business, thanks to all of the free

advertising you’re getting for
your business.

But none of this will happen if you
don’t take action now.

The sooner you join the Academy and
start using my Free Advertising strategies, the faster you’ll get the results you want.
(And, if you don’t take action, you make get locked out by

people who understood the
opportunity better and got in faster.)

Right now you’re missing out on a
lot of free advertising that could be yours,

if you just knew where it was and
how to claim it.

Stop missing out. Get all of the
free advertising that you can – by joining the “Free

Advertising Academy” right now.

I’ll see you on the inside!

Best Wishes,

Free Advertising

Click Here to
Take the Free Advertising Academy for a Risk-Free
“Test Drive” – and Start Getting Free Advertising Today!

P.S. I love helping people
get free advertising. It’s a real kick to see people have that
“Ah-Ha” experience when they finally
“get” how much “Free Advertising” is available – and that it’s out there, just waiting for
them to claim it.

Here are just a few more people who
finally “got” it after learning my free advertising strategies:

No Hype! No Baloney!

“No hype! No baloney! That’s
what I liked. Honest to goodness information that can be used by anyone
really wanting to promote their product or service. Mr. Jeff Gardner
explains what he did, how he organized his marketing, and then did it.
Anyone can learn these techniques to bring their own business into their “niche
audience”. You won’t be disappointed!”

Help Anyone Make More

“I’ve already begun putting some
of these techniques to work in my own business. I can’t wait to see
the results, and get even more of these advertising methods working for
me! Jeff, saving money through these ‘Free Advertising’ methods is bound to
help anyone build their business, if they put them to use for themselves. I’m
looking forward to future expert marketing ideas you come up with. Keep me

Click here to get Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27 at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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