Why It Is Better To Invest In A Blog Rather Than Social Network

There’s been a lot of talks recently about blogs and social networks and the fact what the better option to invest in is. While social networks are excellent platforms that connect you to a wide range of audience that is eager to view your content, blogs can attract even more people if the strategy is right.

The key to both social networks and blogs is marketing. Both require it and both cannot succeed without it.

So that’s why we are here to try and find out which is better, a blog or social network. Stick around as we are going to be covering a couple of topics and hopefully try and convince you that there is much more success in blogs rather than social networks.

What Do Blogs Allow Us To Do?

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1. Speak our minds

Blogs are personal, meaning that we can write anything we want on them. Blogs offer a sense of speaking your mind, and that is one of the most important characteristics. They hold no limitations and we can say whatever we want on our blogs. We’re not limited to a certain number of characters (like Twitter) and the limitations of Facebook are also none existent.

2. Search engine optimization

You’ve all heard about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and that’s another key ingredient that is used to brew the stew of success, according to experts at missmw.com. Investing in a blog allows the option of optimizing your content for search engines. What this means is that with good SEO skills, you can attract an even bigger audience than what you attract through social networks. Search Engine Optimization allows us to rank higher on Google for certain topics, subsequently allowing us to reach another group of audience.

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3. Better content

Social networks are amazing for generating content. Facebook has proven thus far of being the most reliable social network for growing your business. However, the limitations are right there for everyone to see. Blogs, on the other hand, allows every use of file formats, like MP3’s, video, images, and you can even embed Twitter and Facebook posts.  While the same goes for social networks, in that you can post an article from your blog, Facebook has no real way of monetizing your content, and that puts us nicely to another point which is…

4. Your content is monetized

One thing that blogs have over social networks is the ability to bring you money. Monetization is very important for everyone who wants to make money out of something on the Internet. It’s better to invest in a blog because it has more monetization options than social networks. While you might charge a certain fee for a post on your social media channel, you can do the same with your blog and still get money from ad revenue.

Source: Shutterstock

To Summarize

We’re not bashing the nail on the coffin of social networks; we’re rather trying to explain that investing in a blog can be more beneficial for you. There are many more points to be made on why blogs are better than social networks for investing, and there are a few points to be made the other way. But the final word goes in favor of blogs as the better investment opportunity.


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