5 of the Hottest Trends in Marketing Right Now, According to Industry Experts


The thing about marketing trends, particularly for B2B marketers, is that they change frequently. If you don’t stay on top of them, you risk missing out on serious potential for revenue growth and customer acquisition.

So what’s hot these days? What do you need to pay attention to and learn how to embrace? Recently, I interviewed several industry leaders to see what they consider to be the most significant marketing trends right now.

We’re getting down to creepy levels of personalization

Just a few years ago personalization in marketing meant customizing an email to address the recipient by name. Brandi Smith, VP of Demand Generation-Marketing, at Uberflip, says we’ve come a long way since then. Account-based marketing (ABM) and technology are being used to dive deep into an audience base to deliver really personalized content, especially for B2B marketers.

Smith says, “We can creep their social profiles to see what information is hot and trending to them, we can look at their company’s annual reports, and look at the footnotes or just the content in general to find out what might actually be a key focus in a key directive for their business moving into the new fiscal year.”

It’s necessary, she says, to use tools like artificial intelligence in meaningful ways to create a personal experience without the customer feeling like the company has crossed a line into creepy.

Nissar Ahamed, the Senior Director of Demand Generation at Atomic Reach, agrees with Smith. “There’s too much noise, which makes it more difficult and also more expensive to create content that hits the mark and converts,” he says. And that’s why, according to Ahamed, hyper-personalized content based on the buyer’s journey, demographics, location, etc. make for much more effective marketing. He cites the example of emails that Amazon sends: no two are the same because they’re based on a shopper’s past history, profile, and demographics.

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Ahamed encourages marketers to invest in tools and automation that can help personalize content in a meaningful and relevant way.

Email marketing is making a comeback

Though we’ve heard this claim before, “email marketing is just as effective today as before,” says Ahamed. That’s due, he says, to the fact that it’s become more integrated with content marketing to build audiences. As algorithms and advertising policies change on social media, it’s become more difficult to own an audience there.

Meanwhile, reliable email marketing offers distribution and the ability to build an audience through an established and proven channel.

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Content is becoming increasingly interactive

Content marketing certainly isn’t a trend; it’s here to stay, but its delivery and consumption continue to evolve.

Gaurav Harode, founder and CEO of Enablix, sees that content is becoming more and more interactive. So, right now we have static content, maybe some web content and video. But I think there is going to be a middle ground where there are going to be a lot of platforms and a lot of flexibility where content is going to be interactive,” he says.

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