Why Your Small Business Should Use SMS Appointment Reminders

Less than 5% of scheduled appointments are canceled after a customer gets a text reminder. This is according to the new infographic by SpotOn. The report also points out text messages have an open rate of 98%.

Those are great numbers no matter how you look at them. And for small business owners, SMS provides a cost-effective tool for engaging with consumers to deliver quality customer service.

The Co-founder of SpotOn, Zachary Hayman, explained how mobile technology will continue to provide more options for businesses to engage. Hayman said, “Mobile phones are the future of how businesses will connect with their customers. From payments to marketing campaigns, online ordering, appointment booking, you name it.”

All of these services are driven by high mobile ownership rates. According to Pew Research, 95% of Americans have a cellphone of some kind. And smartphones make up 77% of that ownership.

Not only are there more people walking around with these devices, but they check on them throughout the day. Seventy-nine percent of Americans check their phone 15 minutes of waking up with an average daily total of 150 times.

Small Business and SMS

The reason SMS is a good fit for small businesses is the cost and reach of the technology. Depending on the service provider and the number of messages you send, it will cost less than a penny per SMS.

As far as reach, it can be local or international. All the recipients need is a phone with messaging capability. And it doesn’t even have to be a smartphone.

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So for less than a penny, you can send your customers reminders of their appointments so they don’t forget. This simple act can be enough to keep your customers around and retain them for the long haul.

Consumer Attitude About SMS

Consumers like the convenience and ease of use of text messaging. When they receive a message, they can quickly check it and take the appropriate action. This is why they respond within the first 3 minutes after getting a message. It takes email an average of 90 minutes before consumers check it.

Users (28%) are also more likely to recommend a company which offers text messages. By simply using SMS, your customers will tell their friends about your business. Their preference of SMS also extends to customer support, as 64% said they favor text over voice when it comes to customer service.

Not surprisingly, 75% of millennials think getting an appoint reminder using text is helpful. And an almost equal number 57% and 55% say it is one less thing to remember and a convenient way to be reminded respectively.

Text messaging along with an online appointment scheduling software can be deployed easily. If you have a business which keeps appointments, it is a reliable technology to provide better customer service.

Businesses in the healthcare, automotive, beauty salons and spas, hotels, and airline and travel agencies can all benefit from SMS.

Benefits of SMS Appointment Reminders

You can view the infographic below.

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Why Your Small Business Should Use SMS Appointment Reminders

Image: Depositphotos.com

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