How to Make Digital Advertising Mobile Friendly

t has recently been reported that three-quarters of the people who live in the United States hold phones in their pockets. It’s almost obvious that marketers from all over the place now commit more time, money, and effort in their mobile advertising campaigns rather than sticking to the basic digital ones.

In fact, Wall Street Journal studies suggest that more than half of digital advertising is now mobile.The same studies report a noticeable 77% “boom” increase in the budgets spent on mobile advertisements in 2016.

We’re in 2017.In case your company hasn’t already implemented mobile marketing strategies for present and future use, I’m asking you – what are you waiting for? Many marketers omit to include mobile marketing campaigns in their overall business strategy because they don’t even understand what it involves.

Simply put, mobile marketing is basically marketing that happens via mobile devices. These devices could be smart phones, PDAs, or tablets. This, let’s call it… promotional activity has different characteristics compared to the desktop marketing one. Some of the most significant differences:

  • With mobile advertising, you can target your audience based on their location more accurately and in more ways.
  • In-App Ads. This is a great benefit that mobile advertising brings to the table. Marketers can easily make money while people are “inside” their apps.
  • Better post-campaign marketing possibilities. SMS marketing along with re-engagement is possible only through mobile advertising specifically.

Cameron Michaels, Marketing Manager at Aussiewritings, suggests:

Mobile advertising, even though we now compare it with the digital advertising in rigorous ways, somehow belongs to the entire “digital marketing” picture. While digital means everything that happens on the web, you must make sure that your online platform is user-friendly on both desktop and mobile devices.

In today’s post, we’re sharing some good strategies that might help you improve the performance of your overall marketing efforts. By making your digital advertising strategies mobile friendlier, you’ll be benefitting from a lot of extra traffic, options, and benefits. Let’s begin.

1. Emphasize Images, Shorten the Text

First off, consider the circumstance in which the mobile user finds himself while checking your ad. He could be on the train, he could be stressed on his way to the office, or he could be waiting without patience at a line.

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If you write a lot of text, you’re less likely to capture his attention with all that is going on in his head. A picture, however, it is said that it could “speak 1000 words”. Focus on more visuals than simple text elements!

2. Focus on the First Few Seconds of the User’s Experience

In today’s marketplace, everything is going really fast. People check their news feeds sometimes at very quick speeds, and many mobile users have generated a big barrier towards advertisements.

Therefore, you only get a few seconds to make your big move, which is to appeal to their subconscious patterns and attract their attention. Craft your marketing materials and mobile advertising options based on this criterion!

3. Leverage the Power of Video

If images are strong stimulators, video ads are way more efficient when it comes to grabbing the attention of a potential customer that belongs in your in-depth characterization of an ideal target audience user.

It has been reported that one in three mobile users watch video on their smart devices. This basically means that people watch more video than they listen to music. Want to get in front of your customers’ eyes? Place some video ads.

4. Assess Your Analytics and Make Constructive Changes

Paying close attention to your analytics is the number one aspect that helps you bring stability and progress to your mobile marketing campaigns. Because the technology is already extra advanced, you can take advantage of different digital advertising software that could help you a ton.

Even Google Analytics does a great job at showing you what you need to improve. Most analytics tools will show you specific behaviors that your users commonly adopt during their interaction with your mobile campaigns, and with your website.

5. Social Media is The Place to Be

What do people do most after unlocking their smartphones? Most importantly, what does your specific audience do while spending those few seconds during work breaks or while being on the run? I tell you what they do:

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They check their social media profiles for updates, news, and catchy notifications. In the meanwhile, they won’t hesitate to scroll down a bit and move through a couple of ads. If you’re smart, you’re going to be there!

6. Be Very Relevant to Your Audience

Advertising, no matter whether it’s performed through the use of mobile devices or desktop devices, should never be irrelevant and annoying. You should never harass the people that are fortunate (or unfortunate) to come across your ads. Instead, your main goal is to bring value to their lives by offering them quality education, products, and services.If your goal reflects that, be sure that your marketing ways truly reflect your objective.

You MUST Develop an Email List

A business that doesn’t leverage the power of email marketing is likely to lack consistency. You can’t expect to build a long-term business without holding some contacts or without building resources. In mobile advertising, e-mail marketing is an essential marketing channel that allows you to nurture your cold leads and eventually turn them into loyal followers and customers.


Whether you’re owning a small business or a giant niche blog, consider mobile marketing as a fine choice for the upgrade to your entire marketing strategy. If you notice significant results, all you need to do is scale the process until maximum reach.

Like with everything, mobile advertising has a unique learning curve, so don’t expect to win at this game without failing every now and then. Take the failures and the losing of money as a feedback. To change the outcome, you should change your actions, you should test more, and you should optimize consistently!

About the Author

Olivia Ryan is a journalist who is always ready to experience new things and share this experience with others. She is passionate about art and writing. Therefore, she usually spends time writing new articles or traveling around the world. Follow Olivia on Facebook and Twitter.

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