Lower Body Makeover, Leg Butt Hip Thigh Exercises for Women

Lower Body Makeover, Leg Butt Hip Thigh Exercises for Women

Product Name: Lower Body Makeover, Leg Butt Hip Thigh Exercises for Women

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Lower Body Makeover, Leg Butt Hip Thigh Exercises for Women is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


-by Joey Atlas, “The Woman’s Trainer”

Jacksonville, FL – No doubt about it: The lower body trouble spots and problem areas of a woman can be extremely stubborn and quite depressing.

From ‘too fat, heavy and flabby’ to ‘very lumpy, unshapely and covered with cellulite’ – the female leg, butt, hip, thigh and tummy areas can be the toughest problem areas to fix.

But armed with the right information and a tiny bit of energy you can make definite, visible and long-lasting improvements. By the time you finish reading this article – you’ll know exactly what to do, to start fixing your worst body areas that cause you embarrassment and frustration every day…

The major problem is, not exercising these muscles correctly will make your trouble spots worse and more pronounced – while risking serious injury… However, the right exercises that use these muscles in harmony with each other can bring definite results without spending unrealistic amounts of time on ineffective exercises and risking long term set-backs. You don’t need access to a gym – because this type of approach doesn’t require weights and machines…

– from fat/flab/cellulite reduction to firming, slimming, building, toning, lifting and sculpting – the “right combination” of exercise variables will give you much better results in a shorter amount of time… Combine these variables improperly and you’ll just keep spinning your wheels, with no results to show for your efforts – just a lot of frustration, anger and wasted energy…

Here’s an important quiz for you – before you get to critical factor number 3…

Are you afraid of what’s going to happen to your body as you continue to get older?

Do you depressingly avoid social situations, like the beach or poolside gatherings, that require exposing parts of your body that make you feel extremely self conscious, as if others are staring at you in disgust…

Do you absolutely hate clothes shopping because of the pain and humiliation which comes from not being able to buy the latest sexy fashions? Do you hate settling for frumpy, ugly outfits that can cover all the fat layers inside and hide the nasty flab & horrible cellulite…

Are your relationships affected – especially with your man and the intimacy you share? Is your sex life basically withering away – and if “it” happens – do you only make love in the dark to avoid being ‘seen’?

Is your self confidence and self esteem slowly wearing away? Does it feel like your personality and spirit are getting smothered into non-existence because of the poor self-image you have of yourself?

Are you obsessed with “how bad you look” and are your prevailing thoughts focused on anger, frustration and self disappointment…

Have you made efforts, maybe repeated failed efforts, at getting on ‘some kind of program’ or trying some phony ‘solution in a bottle’? Do you feel led astray, swindled or fleeced – and now just so confused as to what’s legitimate and what’s pure trash?

Have you wasted hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars out of desperation, on scam diet products, misleading beauty treatments and ineffective fitness programs in the past – only to become even more disgusted with your physical appearance – when none of those things did what they promised?

…how your body looks and feels, than you may have been led to believe by traditional media, your friend’s sister’s brother in law or your family physician. Truth be told, your body is quite adaptable when treated properly “with the right program” as opposed to trying to force change on it with inappropriate, heavy weight-training and uncomfortable machine type exercise programs…

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Your info is securely protected – it will not be sold or shared for two reasons.
1 – I plan on having a long, friendly and helpful relationship with you.
2 – It’s illegal and I’m not going to risk my hard-earned, rock-solid reputation.

I assume you answered ‘yes’ to at least a few of those questions in the quiz above…

It’s obvious there are some areas of your body that absolutely need improvements, and you believe you just found something that is going to work for you, finally… So, without hesitation you start doing some of these exercises – at the convenience of your own schedule – right in your own home…

Some days you do 20 minutes, some days you do 40 or 50 minutes because you want the improvements to happen even quicker…

Two or three weeks go by and you start to see and feel improvements in your lower body that you almost never thought could happen to you… But now it is…

And these welcome changes are positively affecting all other areas of you life… You are now able to shop for fashionable, sexy clothing that fits perfectly and comfortably – and looks attractive…

You get more attention from men in public and your self confidence improves dramatically…

Love-making and intimacy is so much better now – your husband or boyfriend is turned on and wants to make love to you more often – and so do you!

Your self esteem flourishes as you now love to see yourself in the mirror – with or WITHOUT clothes…

You love getting dressed, as all your cute outfits look amazing on you and your body is now in beautiful proportion…

You look forward to spring and summer as you shop for figure-hugging shorts and eye-catching swim wear…

Your feelings of depression fade with every passing week as you get your body into firm & sexy shape and your happiness radiates because now you can enjoy life again as a ‘normal’ woman…

Read on, to make those changes happen…

…cellulite creams, lotions, wrap treatments, diet/fat burning pills, butt enhancement supplements or any other money wasting scam that sounds too good to be true. (You may have already wasted A LOT of money on some of these).

Deceptive marketing companies take advantage of advertising loopholes that allow them to lie to you on the packaging and in their advertisements.

They don’t care about you at all – they just want your money, nothing else…

You can start fixing your lower body and seeing results more quickly when you combine the 3 types of muscle contractions into your exercises – here’s why…

I began training women in the early 90’s – just after I graduated from State University at New York (Buffalo) with a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Physiology…

Just like every other fitness pro – I started my career in the health clubs – using typical weights and machines to train my female clients – the results they got were good – but I knew they could be even better – …much better…

After one year in the health club scene – I decided to strike out on my own and start doing personal training in people’s homes – with my specialty being women…

I falsely thought my biggest challenge would be to find ways to create effective home exercise programs without having access to all the weights and machines found in your typical fitness center… But this turned out to be a true blessing in disguise…

So I started doing research on the primary types of muscle contractions and how these came into play during certain types of exercises – I analyzed how they could be combined, varied, sequenced – you name it – I tried it…

My biggest discovery was that these 3 types of muscle contractions be only done with body-weight exercises, if and only if, the exercises were done in a certain way in regards to movement tempo, order of the exercises and how they were grouped together…

Based on my findings, I immediately created a laser-targeted program, entirely focused on the most troublesome areas of the female body – the legs, butt, hips, thighs and lower stomach…

The results were absolutely mind-boggling – I became the busiest trainer in town – and I had a waiting list of female clients a mile long… The changes these women experienced were actually surprising me – because they were far better than anything I had seen in the gym…

As you can imagine… things are cruising along and business is beyond great…

I’m in a training session with Jeanine, one of my first clients, who happens to be a marketing consultant…

She asks – “Joey how did you create this program – how did you know how good this would work for women – even though it’s so different than the mainstream stuff?”

Here’s my answer to her…

“I don’t mean to get technical here – but bare with me, you’ll be glad you did…

There are 3 types of muscle contractions:

1 – Concentric – muscle shortens as it contracts2 – Eccentric – muscle lengthens as it contracts3 – Isometric – muscle stays same length while contracting

There are long running debates in the fitness industry as to which type of exercise movement yields the best results for women…

But this is the foundation of the ‘Bigger Problem’ – see, most exercise equipment is designed to use only one of these types of muscle contractions – and most of the time it’s Concentric…

Concentric – very limiting to say the least when used by itself (this is one of the reasons women get poor results, if any at all) – and most of the time – this is how people train with weights as well…

Eccentric – while very effective – is usually only occasionally used with weight training. Eccentric exercises with weights are very hard and very dangerous – especially for women.

Isometric – are extremely effective – but very few trainers know how to incorporate them into an exercise program, properly – and so you hardly ever see anyone doing isometric exercises – a crying shame because they work like gangbusters – when done properly…

But here’s where the real magic comes in…

…if you do simple, yet carefully structured, body-weight exercises (no weights & no machines) which combine all three types of muscle movements: Concentric, Eccentric and Isometric. This is a crucial factor for women that cannot be addressed with typical weight and machine type exercise programs…

When these 3 types of muscle movements are combined – the results are almost baffling…

BUT – the only way to combine these for maximum results and SAFETY is by focusing on body-weight type exercises – because its basically impossible to achieve this when using weights and machines…

But even more powerful is this…

As you can imagine – this is very counter-intuitive to the mainstream fitness industry – because the industry is built on weights and machines. And for the every-day person – when you say ‘fitness’ – the first thing that comes to mind is weight training and exercise machines.

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So making the switch to body-weight exercises that don’t require any equipment or weights is pretty hard to grasp… hard to grasp until you experience this type of laser targeted, body improving method, of course…

By getting rid of all the equipment and weights – you now have access to a program that you can do anytime, anywhere – this eliminates dozens of excuses that have held you back in the past and stopped you from fixing your lower body problems…”

“So there’s no other program out there that combines all 3 types of muscle contractions into one method?”

I say “That’s right.”

She says, “That’s it, Joey! – That’s why this program works – and that’s what women need to know! – We have to come up with a specific name for it…” …and so we did – but before I tell you the famous name of this method I have another client I’d like you to meet – her name is Chantal Marandola…

“Dear Joey (please excuse my english ;-),

I was a young “looker” but I let my body go to pot as I aged. However, I got it back after I found you and your method! See, when I started your program I was out of shape and flabby. Around a size 11 or so and about 146-149 lbs. give or take depending on time of month… My lower body was the worst. Jiggly inner thighs that rubbed together and cellulite on my buttocks and the front and back sides of my thighs.

It made me very self conscious and depressed – and at 45 years old this was not good. After just a few months of your program I am down to a firm, tight and curvy clothing size and at the sweet healthy weight I love being! Here are my before and after photos to show you my successes.

Look how puffy and bloated I look in the first 2 photos. I always used to wear baggy black clothing to try and cover all my imperfections. I was trying to hide myself from the world. I hated being seen – and avoided many different types of social situations because of how I looked, and felt about myself.

Here (below) is what I look like now, Joey! My legs, butt, hips and thighs are tight and toned with beautiful lifted shape, my belly rolls are gone and my arms don’t jiggle anymore.

I’ve been trying for years and years to get my body back… when I was young I was very sexy and desirable – I always had men after me… I never thought I needed exercise or to watch what I ate – but as the years went by – my body slowly fell apart – and everything was gone…

Worst of all it really took the passion and spontaneity out of my love life with my husband – and how could I blame him – I let myself go… and I knew it was time to do something about it…

Well, after only 2 months of following your advices – I have made dramatic changes – I am still amazed myself. I get so many compliments from friends and family – they all want to know how I did it and I just tell them, Joey Atlas and his Firmetrics program!

You have changed my life Joey – I feel young, healthy and sexy and desirable again! I have so much energy and my spirit is alive.

Please feel free to use my photos and informations to help inspire other women who have tried many things but failed.

Millions of thank yous to you,”

-results not typical; individual results vary depending on consistency, age, body type, previous fitness experiences…

I love Chantal’s story – it’s very rewarding for me to get these types of ‘thank you’ letters…

Ok – back to how we created the name…

She (Jeanine) says – “Joey, you have to come up with some type of name or trademark for this method. Everything you just told me – you have to sum up in one word – if you eventually want to make something really big out of it – like with your own books, dvds or classes.”

So we started brainstorming and after about 20 minutes – we coined the term FIRMETRICS (TM) – this was perfect because it signified the combination of all 3 types of muscle movement in the ‘METRICS’ part – and it highlighted one the main physical goals of every woman which is to be sexy and ‘FIRM’.

Before we finish our session, Jeanine says “You know Joey, 99% percent of the women in this world can’t afford to hire a personal trainer – but if you could find a way to create a training manual, you would make your program affordable for nearly every woman in the world – and with the dramatic results this thing delivers – it’ll be bigger than Buns of Steel and Thigh Master put together.”

As she’s saying this – I’m thinking of how many lives would be transformed for women all over the world – so that night I can’t sleep and I start outlining the manual…

She says, “First thing you need to do is stop taking on new clients and stop running your ad in the local papers – just to open up enough time in your schedule to get this set of manuals done. I’ll find you a good photographer and you can have this project done in a week.

Just think, Joey – once its done you can make the entire program available to women everywhere for probably less than the cost of just one training session with you. You’ll be bigger than Jack LaLanne.”

So the ad stops running and after a few weeks I have some clear time in my schedule, I crank out the whole outline and meet up with the photographer to coordinate all the exercise photos we’ll be taking…

Like a man on fire I get the complete manuals done in about 10 days – full color photos and all – it turns out to be a beautiful 3 volume set… and by the time I had completed it, Jeanine had created the title – “The Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip, Thigh and Tummy Makeover” – featuring FIRMETRICS (TM)

When I started putting together the packaging and the marketing material for these manuals – I simply went into my file that contained stacks of ‘thank you’ letters and testimonials from all of my female clients (and some of their husbands ;-)) like the one you read above from Chantal – and I started picking out all of the main benefits I could find.

-results not typical; individual results vary depending on consistency, age, body type, previous fitness experiences…

There’s a lot more to add to this list yet – I just need to find the time!

OK – where was I? …Oh yeah!

…At this point the manuals are done and I start marketing them through local mom’s clubs, high schools, women’s groups… basically wherever I could find women between the ages of 16 to 76 – and they’re selling like hot cakes – I literally couldn’t print them fast enough…

But there were still a lot of women who were asking for an even cheaper version – and the only way I could do this was to create a digital e-Manual version that women could download and print themselves – doing this would allow me to cut the price DRASTICALLY – since I’d be cutting out the paper, printing and binding costs… – and truth be told – it was the greatest move I ever made…

Since I released the digital version – sales have skyrocketed, and I haven’t looked back since…

Now women all over the world are getting immediate access to this results delivering program and since its all delivered as an instant digital download that you can use immediately because I give you everything you need to get your body into firm and sexy shape, without leaving your home or killing your self in the gym…

Just like Nicki from Australia:

Nicki’s Photos of Toning & Cellulite Reduction

I have been doing the program every other day for 3 weeks. I hope the pics show the dramatic changes that I am seeing in the mirror and feeling. I definitely notice a difference in the shape and texture of my legs and my buns and thighs. I definitely have less cellulite on my lower body.
Joey I really want to take this moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have really opened my eyes. I now feel armed with all of the knowledge about cellulite and why I had it.

I am no longer going to be the woman sucked in by any gimmick or sales pitch relating to cellulite. It really amazes me how much BS there is about cellulite. It is so disgusting that so many companies prey on us vulnerable women to get us to buy their product, which THEY know themselves will NOT work.
I have been fighting the cellulite battle for as long as I can remember and you Joey have been the only person who has given me the right tools and information to win this battle.

(These are also downloadable digital PDF’s that you’ll read on screen or print, except for the FREE home exercise DVD…)

If you are seeing this message on your screen then you’ve qualified for the 50% discount.

Legal Disclaimer: Discount only valid for clients who order complete e-Manual before offer expires.


This is a single, one-time purchase – you will NEVER be billed again.

Let’s put this into perspective before I give you my irresistible ‘ATLAS
money-back GUARANTEE’.

More than one I bet. And I’ll bet most of them haven’t been touched in about 8 or 9 months… money spent that has done you little good – if any…

On any given day – what do you spend on your necessities – such as food, a cup of tea, or a ‘coffee’? I’ll bet it’s more than 11 cents, right?

What’s 11 cents? It’s what you would pay, each day, for your Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip, Thigh and Tummy Makeover – Womens’ Home Fitness Program – if you paid for it over the course of just one year – 11 cents a day!! – that’s it.

But remember – this program will carry you to changes that will last a lifetime – because it’s the type of exercise program that you’ll want to follow forever. When something is easy and quick – you have no excuses…

Ok – on top of that generous offer – here is what I’ll also do for you – so that your mind is at total ease and you have absolutely NO RISK when you get your copy of this program.

What’s the catch? There is none. Well, maybe a little one. In return for me doing all that I can to ensure your success…

But that’s not all… it gets even better for you… Before I finished writing this – I racked my brain trying to think of what else I could give you to make this more than worth your while – basically make it a ‘no-brainer’ for you.

And here’s what I came up with. When you order The Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip, Thigh and Tummy Makeover Womens Home Exercise e-Manual Digital Package – you will also get:

I don’t know what else I can say at this point except it’s time for you to take action and allow me to help you make the changes you believe you can make. Are you ready? Then let’s go…

CLICK HERE to Improve Your Trouble
Spots and Change Your Life Today

Please Note: This is a downloadable e-book program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only order it through this website. You can read it right on your computer screen, or you can even print out your own hard-copy and put in a 3 ring binder.

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Well…it’s been a while since I’ve started your program… And I’ve finally found what works to reclaim my Seductive Youth!

But things are moving along great! Well, actually better than great…

At first, even though I wasn’t ‘seeing’ the change… I was feeling it.

My butt, my thighs…. my underwear just fit differently than before (a GOOD thing).

I really liked that because I knew things were changing. I had never done any exercise before that was able change my butt… these are lifting it and making it rounder, smaller and tighter….. Yeah!!!!

Last week I noticed my thighs are really slimming down with a nicely toned shape…. YES!!!

I am really impressed with this workout to say the least…

Like I told you before… I’ve worked out ever since I was a kid and I have a few exercise machines here at home, plus several different DVD’s, books, etc… – nothing ever worked. As a matter of fact….before starting your program I had been doing P90X for I think 7 months and I just wasn’t seeing the results I wanted – very frustrating…

But since following Joey’s program I’ve gotten so many compliments… people think I’m younger… because I’m in such good shape now.

I just started a new job and one woman swore I was about 30 years old… (damn I love her… need to remember to do something nice for her!!! ) Truth be told – I’m 44 years old!! That was a great compliment to get from her!

My husband ( who never could keep his hands off me before) is even worse now…well…actually I mean better!!! All our kids are grown and out of the house…so that is much better!!!

Seeing the changes in my entire lower body has given me back the confidence I used to have…. so… it’s very easy to strut around in a thong and a short tank top… gets his attention fast!!!

And it feels great to wear a pair of sexy jeans and not have to worry about how your butt and thighs look… ’cause they’re looking good!!

This is my first week on the maintenance phase of the program…. feels funny only doing it once – so easy and quick!

Joey…I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to create a routine that truly works for women!!

I constantly spread the word about your program and how it has dramatically changed things for me. It’s so nice to look in the mirror naked and see firm thighs and a toned, lifted butt and very little cellulite. In a few more weeks…there wont be any cellulite on my body at all!

I will e-mail you again in a few weeks and give you another update.

I can’t wait for Labor Day… we have a big pool party and you can bet that this year…. I’ll be showing off and getting in the pool!!

Maybe I’ll send you a pic!

Thanks again for everything and keep up the great work!!!

Sherri R.
Pillow, Pennsylvania
-results not typical; individual results vary depending on consistency, age, body type, previous fitness experiences…

Well, one day Lisa had enough, and she decided that way of thinking can’t be true and she wasn’t going to settle for such a poor excuse – and live the rest of her life unhappy. She broke away from her band of content friends and proved them all wrong…

This is my story, Joey: Overweight, Over-the-Hill Mom Turns Back Clock to ‘HOTTIE’ Time Yes, I started your program at a very low point in my life. I’ve dieted on and off most of my life (like most women out there) with temporary results only to be disappointed when the weight returned bringing a few extra depressing pounds with it.

I’ve been on both extremes of the scale (POST pregnancy high of around 190lbs – and a post relationship low of a VERY unhealthy and unfit, untoned 123lbs) and never found the key to being fit and firm in the middle of those two extremes.

As the dark reality of my 40th birthday was nearing I decided that if I was going to do anything about my body and my life, the time was now and that sent me searching the internet for something to turn it around for me. Unlike most other women, I just wasn’t going to accept what was happening to me…

That’s when I discovered your website and the answer I had been looking for – something realistic, simple and very effective…

I have to admit – I was a bit skeptical at first – because I had tried SO MANY things in the past that failed me – but something about your sincere words and your understanding of what real women are going through made me a believer…

I started following the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip, Thigh and Tummy Makeover and within a few weeks I saw a transformation taking place that I never would’ve been able to accomplish on my own. I’m now the mom I want to be for my kids but more importantly the person I want to be for ME. I really do feel like a ‘hottie’ again… the Firmetrics principle really sets this apart from everything else…

You are a constant source of information, encouragement and inspiration for me and I couldn’t have gotten here without you. My goal when I started was to get back into my size 4’s and I’M THERE BABY!! I’ve officially lost all the extra fat and flab as the inches have ‘melted’ away along with the horrible cellulite (just a tiny little bit left to go).

I’m including some pictures just to prove how well your program works! The ‘before’ photo is after one of my fad diets. Somehow I managed to convince myself that “I wasn’t that big”….and everyone – my friends and family, let me believe it too. But now I know better… ;-))

Lisa Pohlmeier
Atlantic Beach
North Carolina

-results not typical; individual results vary depending on consistency, age, body type, previous fitness experiences…

“Joey… This is Amazing!

I was so desperate before finding you that It feels like a miracle. After years of frustration in gyms and money wasted on beauty scams.

Several years ago I joined a HUGE Gym in Orlando, Florida. I won’t mention the name but it’s very famous. I had a GREAT trainer, she got a LOT out of me with the upper body. But nothing worked I mean NOTHING for my stubborn lower body problem areas.

We did squats, we used that Smith Machine or whatever it’s called. We used that machine for the calves, all of the machines… we even used machines in the men’s section of that Gym and still NOTHING worked. I was working out 5 times a week on my whole lower body – no matter what I did or tried… NOTHING WORKED.

My upper body looked great. People used to come watch her work with me because they couldn’t believe how much I could lift at my age, back then I was 43 years old, but my lower body was just AWFUL. I was doing 200 lunges a week, you name it I was doing it – but no results…

No results… Until I started your method, Joey. And I mean bigtime results, lifechanging…

My legs and thighs are much less saggy and getting more toned and shapely every week, the saddlebags are going away and there is much much less of that cottage cheese look, on the back of my UM HUM “rear-end”, (it was gross, I hated it!).

My inner thighs are not jiggly and I am developing nice muscle tone on the inside of the inner thighs. I have no clue the actual name of that muscle area but I can see it when I look in the mirror in the back – and I love it!

I have found that the Lifting and Toning section has really helped get rid of my Cellulite. Maybe I didn’t have Cellulite but just had muscles that were in atrophy, and it caused my skin to sag and get bumpy and dimply. BUT nonetheless… as soon as I started with the Lifting and Sculpting section, I started seeing results within 4 workouts – not 4 weeks – 4 workouts! VERY FAST…

I started on the Cellulite Reduction guidelines, and it was working great… but I decided to try the Lifting, Toning and Sculpting and then I started REALLY seeing results. Like most women, I was afraid my legs would get HUGE, but they got more toned, firmer and sexier!

And it’s making a MAJOR difference.

I walk about 4 or 5 days per week so this Lower Body Makeover is the perfect compliment. Older people need to know that there IS something they can do about sagging skin on their body! …build sexy muscle tone that lifts your skin…! There is an answer for sagging knee skin and horrid saddle bags… And I’m living proof… Who knew!

This is no small feat. I am 47 years old… So, what this program is doing for me is simply amazing.

Marie Rainey
South Carolina
-results not typical; individual results vary depending on consistency, age, body type, previous fitness experiences…

… Four Trainers, 5 Years, Thousands of Dollars Wasted and NO RESULTS, but then I heard about YOU. So, I have been using your LBHT Makeover for a few weeks now and just have to shout, “THANK GOD FOR JOEY ATLAS!! ROUND OF FRIGGIN’ APPLAUSE!! FINALLY, A MAN WHO KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT WOMEN WANT AND CAN GIVE IT TO THEM!!!”

Joey, there’s a very good reason for my profound statement and that’s because I’m flat out fed up with the stupidity and uselessness of these people who call themselves “certified personal trainers.”

I tell you, Joey, I don’t know where they get their information from or better yet HOW the get “certified”, but they should be required to consult with YOU before they even attempt to train women, and MEN for than matter…

I have been through 4 different trainers in the past 5 years and none of them, I mean NONE, have been able to help me tighten this disgusting, flabby area around my pelvic region and lower body, like your program has, and very quickly I must add.

See, I didn’t always have this problem, only my butt and thighs were the original problem (which your program is also doing amazing wonders for). However, I was more concerned with this pelvic area because it’s not what I was used to.

After 32 years of age I started noticing this flabby bulge starting to spill over the top of my thong underwear, then the bulge started coming out from the bottom of the elastic strip waistband, then my waistband slowly started disappearing from sight… Eeewww, yuck!! So, yes Joey, for 5 years I had to put up with this because of my own lack of fitness knowledge and incompetent “certified personal trainers.”

Then, I found YOU and the rest is HISTORY or rather my fat, flab and cellulite are history!!

Thank you so much!! And my hubby thanks you, too!!

Lisa Weinberger
New Orleans, LA
-results not typical; individual results vary depending on consistency, age, body type, previous fitness experiences…

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Lower Body Makeover, Leg Butt Hip Thigh Exercises for Women is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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