How Running Teaches You 4 Successful Blogging Lessons

Running teaches you 4 distinct successful blogging lessons.

About 5 months ago I dove into running full bore.

I am up to 40 miles of running weekly, split between 4, 10 miles days, all while nose breathing.

This means I am in pretty solid shape doing decent distance.

Let’s review 4 successful blogging lessons you can learn from running.

Learn the Concept of Pace

I nose breathe during my running sessions.

Imagine running up 5 flights of stairs right now. If you are like most human beings, you will be huffing and puffing through your mouth, breathing laboriously, totally out of breath.

Meaning, by running at a slow but steady pace for the past 5 months, I can sprint up 5 flights of stairs while nose breathing. No huffing, no puffing.

This is because I maintain pace while I run, maintaining a constant rate of speed as I nose breathe my way to 10 or 12 miles.

Successful bloggers maintain the same steady pace for 1, 2 or 10 years. These guys are out of Survival Mode, creating blogs and making friends not to put food on the table or to put a roof over their heads but to follow their passion and to render useful service.

No desperation here. No fear. No wild sprints that lead to burn out, or cyber huffing and puffing. Just a calm, steady, deliberate pace that helps them become successful bloggers over years.

Persistently Train/Practice

Running requires diligent training.

When I left Thailand back in May I could run about 3 miles tops.

Running 3-4 times weekly here in the US I steadily built up my cardio and mileage.

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One day I decided to run to a far off area of town. I tracked the distance via Google Maps. 9.8 miles. Not bad.

I did not run the whole route but understood how my persistent training paid off.

Now I can run 10 miles and walk 55 city blocks, no sweat, as I did the other day in NYC.

Blogging requires training in the form of study and practice. Follow a few mentors. Learn by studying proven tips offered by pro bloggers. Practice writing, creating content and befriending leaders in your blogging niche.

Check out this guest post I published on Janice Wald’s Mostly Blogging where I explain how to become a student of blogging:

Be a Blogging Student 8 Ways

Prep for Hills and Valleys

Wherever I run in the world I face some hills and valleys. Or maybe, little grades up and down, as the contour of the land changes.

Here in NYC I note 3 steep grades in Central Park. Running up these mini hills feels tough but I also know the valley, or, downhill jog, awaits me.

Blogging is similar. Expect to face some resistance as you learn your craft. Hills need be climbed. But you will also learn that when you practice your blogging skills and commit to being a student of blogging, things will get easier over time and you can coast downhill, earning profits steadily and freely.


Rest time is as important as running.

I run 10 miles about 3-4 times weekly. Every other day is an off day. No running. Light cardio, if that.

Resting is critical to your blogging career too. Blogging success flows to energized, well-rested bloggers who prep themselves for the long haul by not overdoing things.

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No way can you become successful by working 18 hour days, 7 days a week.

Even if you saw some success you will never be able to enjoy the spoils of your endless toil.

Rest up.

Take at least a day off from blogging weekly.

Or if you have an unbridled passion for blogging and really really really have fun with blogging – like me – schedule down days where you blog for a few hours and spend time with fam and friends for the remainder of the day.

I may blog daily but I spend a good 16 hours offline on some days, and also spend at least 6 or more hours away from the blog every day.

Your Turn

Are you a runner?

What blogging lessons have you learned from running?


If you want to know what it takes to become a full time, professional blogger listen to this interview between Alonzo Pichardo and myself.

We chat about the fundamentals of building a thriving online business:

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