Hosting Platforms and Options

SITE123 vs Weebly – Which Hosting Platform is Better for Your Blog?

Choosing a website builder may seem like a hard task with all the options available out there. If you got to the point of deciding between SITE123 and Weebly, you are certainly deep into the process of choosing the best website builder for your purposes. We’ll give you a little push in order to help you accelerate the process. You’re welcome.

It’s a Hard Choice

With all there is in the internet world and in the business world, it’s hard to even know how you came to the point in space-time in which you are choosing a website builder. The reasons are many, most of them are similar among people, and I’m sure you will relate to one or more of them as well.

It may be that you need new means of marketing your company, you may need to increase sales, grow a customer base, and so on. Or it may just be that you have finally decided that this is it and your company no longer belongs to the stone age.

If that relates to you at some level, you can be proud of taking the initiative of going to a website. And most importantly, you can get excited by the fact that you have looked at the possibilities for making a website and have chosen website builders. Even further, you have done your homework and researched the website builders in the market and came to deciding between two: SITE123 and Weebly.

Hey, you have already done more than many people would have the courage to handle when it comes to technological projects. So as corny as it may sound: get motivated by it! Use the feeling of “mission accomplished” to keep on going, decide which one to use and get it done.

We know you may feel like a child going into a candy store. You are just amazed at all the possibilities the website builders offer you. So let’s take a look at the important candies, oops, features, you should pay attention to when making your decision.

Important Things to Notice

  • Design – one of the most obvious things to pay attention to is the quality of design provided by the website builder companies. Unbelievable as it may seem, there are still some companies out there that offer very ugly templates. They feel very uninviting and look like they were made using Paint Brush. Certainly something most people would hate to interact with. This is not the case of neither SITE123 nor Weebly. Both of these companies offer decent layouts and designs, helping to the final appearance of your website.
  • Responsiveness – nowadays, people browse the internet using the most different imaginable ways. From desktop computers to onboard car computers too, who knows (?), your laundry machine. A respectable website builder company would offer responsive websites that fit any of those screens. Points for both SITE123 and Weebly – they offer responsive websites that adapt to all kinds of devices. SITE123 is especially efficient in this sense, offering templates that work very nicely on mobile devices.
  • SEO results – everyone wants to be found on Google. He who says the opposite either lies or works for Bing. Excuse me on the Bing part, let’s give them a little credit and put this as search engines as a whole. Everyone wants to be found on them. Otherwise, what’s the point of having a website if people can’t find you through searches? Your website should be optimized to appear on search engines and both SITE123 and Weebly prepare it for that. They accomplish the task of throwing your keywords and tags into your website’s code very well so that search engines can crawl it. No matter where you are hosting your site, always make sure it’s SEO friendly and mobile responsive.
  • Plugins and Apps – from chat boxes to online forms, plugins, and apps allow you to do everything you can imagine through your website. Luckily, both SITE123 and Weebly offer the possibility of integrating outside tools with the website you are building. This way you can take full advantage of having a website while also making use of very modern tools. The installation process of these apps and plugins is particularly easy to handle on SITE123. All you have to do it copy a short sequence from the provider’s website and paste into your website modules on SITE123’s website builder. Very easy and useful.
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Consider Your Own Needs

The quick analysis above gives you a sense of space and helps you understand what kind of territory you will be working on when using one of the two website builders. As though the panoramas gave you a more clear view of the picture, only you can decide what’s better for your company or project as a whole. Each final aspect of your website is dependent on the decision you make.

With this in mind, it’s great to have a master plan for your website, in which you describe what functionalities you need and the most important objectives you have. Unite this to the analysis you are making while reading this article and you have the basic recipe for success.

Now, let’s spice things up a little bit and go through a direct comparison between the candidates: SITE123 and Weebly. Let’s see how they perform on three points: ease of use, features, and pricing.

Direct Comparison

  • Ease of Use
    • SITE123 – the easiest website builder. That’s what it says on their main page. And guess what – it happens to be true. Not all slogans say the truth and many overestimate what the company can actually do. This is not the case of SITE123. They claim to be and in fact are the easiest website builder out there. The interface is very intuitive and guides you through the whole process. It feels like it has taken your hand for a dance. The platform shows you everything you need to do and point you in the right direction for execution.
    • Weebly – among the drag and drop builders, it figures as one of the least hard to use. If you are not familiar with the term, drag and drop builders work with you adding features, then moving them to your website to place them where you would like. As though it may sound cool, it happens to be a pain in the butt many times because you waste hours on end just moving things around to make sure everything is in place and looking good. That doesn’t happen with SITE123 for example, where things are placed in the most useful parts of your website to facilitate use and optimize your conversions.
  • Features
    • SITE123 – many additional features are offered by SITE123 and they include store management, email marketing, multiple website building, domain redirecting and much more. These features are easily accessible through the dashboard by the site. The management interface is very clear and does not have all the clutter you may find on other website managers. This helps with organization and keeping a clear mind when dealing with your website.
    • Weebly – there are interesting built-in features on Weebly and one of them certainly stands out. That is the possibility of managing your website using a mobile app. In addition, the tools are the industry standards: store management, simple email marketing, etc.
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  • Pricing
    • SITE123 – one of the best parts here is that they allow you to keep a website for free for as long as you want. And the usability is pretty much the same of that of a paying user. The only thing that you would lack is a domain and pro features. However, you should take into account that you will not need a designer for help at all and that you can add many interesting features to your website using the app market. From chat boxes to form builders, it’s all there. In addition, you have the like 50% of all the SEO you need to be done by SITE123 itself behind the scenes. If you choose to upgrade, you will have no issues and the pricing is attractive. It starts from $9.80 per month. Yes, that is right 9 dollars and 80 cents. Very affordable, right? At least worth the try, I would say. There is no excuse to try it for free and then testing the upgraded package.
    • Weebly – like SITE123, they also allow you to keep a free account. However, the usability is affected and the most important features are unavailable for free users such as e-commerce. If you choose to upgrade, The starting price is $8 per month.

Final Thoughts

After seeing the most important aspects of both website builders in detail, it is possible to move towards deciding which one to use. Each of them has its pros and cons but in the end, you must make a choice, right?

Sometimes, when it’s hard to decide, we choose to go with the option we have heard more of or seen more. If you are smart, you wouldn’t act that way regarding your website. You want to go with the right option so think twice and see which is better for you in the end. It can’t be hard to decide based on the facts provided. Be sure to check out both sites and make a decision on which blogging and hosting platform is best for your site or business.

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