1 Surefire Way to Build a Successful Blog

How can you build a successful blog?

Stick to the fundamentals.

Like any venture, by following a few basic fundamentals persistently you will build your blog on a rock solid foundation.

As I release a new eBook designed to help you build your blog on the fundamentals I want to inspire you to resist the urge to look for short cuts.

Nobody built a sustainable, thriving, full time blogging business by cutting corners as fast money often flows out as quickly as it flowed in.

Stick to the basics.

This is a surefire way to build a successful blog.

How to Build a Successful Blog

Stick to the Fundamentals

The most direct, simply way to build a successful blog is to stick to 3 blogging fundamentals:

  • practice writing
  • practice creating
  • practice connecting

Writing is your core blogging skill. You need to clearly and confidently teach people through your blog via the written word.

Write 1000 words or more every day in a Word document. Delete the document after you complete your daily practice. Detach some from your writing. Gain clarity in your writing. Set the foundation for a successful blogging career.

Practice your creating skills by writing and publishing blog posts and guest posts. Learn how to properly format a post, making your content scannable, helpful and easy to digest.

Practice your connecting skills by commenting on top blogs from your niche and by promoting successful bloggers. Being generous helps you build your blogging friend network.

Although you need to drill down deeper into each activity, if you focus on these 3 core fundamentals you will build a successful blog.

Be a Student of Blogging

Be a student of blogging.

Learning the fundamentals requires careful study, reflection and a laser like focus on drilling these core concepts into your mind.

It is not easy to become a pro blogger. Being disciplined in a world of hacks, short cuts and other fear-based, low-energy, failing blogging strategies takes a firm commitment to doing things the right way.

Building your blog on a rock solid foundation means repeating the same blogging fundamentals on a daily basis.

Study blogging. You will have few issues recalling and applying the fundamentals if you are all in on being a blogging student.


Practice makes better.

Perfection doesn’t exist but if you practice blogging you will build the foundation for a successful blog.

How it works: I nailed down this sweet guest posting gig on Blogging Tips by writing 1000 words daily or more for years. My writing game improved, through diligent practice, so I landed a long term guest posting opportunity on an established blog.

Most bloggers aren’t invited to guest post on top blogs because most bloggers don’t practice writing for months or years.

Of course, practicing my blog commenting skills opened the door to guest post here too, as I gained an invite from Zac after my comments caught his attention.

Develop Skills

Blogging is a skill.

Embrace this idea and you will succeed online.

Think of offline skills you developed for jobs or businesses.

The same mindset applies for the blogging game.

No turn key system exists. No magic bullet will help you succeed quickly.

Practicing persistently helps you develop your writing, creating and networking skills.

As your skills improve you will drive more traffic and profits but only after you spend years diligently practicing.

Persist through Thick and Thin

Persist through thick and thin.

This blogging game gets tough at times. Especially when you are a newbie blogger.

Money may not flow in for many months, even for the most successful, inspired bloggers.

Seeing these lean times through is uncomfortable but part of paying your online tuition.

Your Turn

How are you sticking to the fundamentals with your blog?

How are you developing your skills, creating and connecting?

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