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Can we finally admit that trying to control Liberty doesn’t work and that societal violence isn’t caused by the ‘easy access to guns’?

Over the weekend, we had two mass murder shootings in bastions of Liberty Control – and all the legislation, regulation and gun confiscation SWATing failed to work as advertised.

The aphorism that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results certainly applies to the Liberty grabbers on the Left in this instance. No sooner did the gunfire die down that the usual suspects began calling for even stricter controls on the lives of millions of innocent people.

The Authoritarian Socialist Left clearly doesn’t want to admit the truth, but the fact is violence can occur in places with strict limitations on Liberty. With or without firearms, this is clearly a societal problem that won’t be solved even with more draconian restrictions on freedom.

Why didn’t mass murder shootings take place in the 1870’s?

It has been already proven that repeating or multiple shot firearms existed long before the writing of the US Constitution. Later advancements in cartridge ammunition and machine tools produced some of the most common place handguns of the time from the 1870’s and beyond.

The American civil war spurred the development of a number of weapon technologies from Lever action rifles and revolvers to the Gatling Gun. Were the problem of societal violence and school shootings merely caused by the ‘easy access to guns’ there should have been an accompanying explosion in these types of attacks during this time. Where are the multitudes of news reports of these tragedies? They don’t exist because these didn’t become a problem until over a century later.

Why didn’t mass murder shootings with semiautomatic firearms take place in the 1890’s?

Semiautomatic firearms were developed later in the 19th Century in the 1890’s beginning with the first semiautomatic pistol in 1892. By the dawn of the 20th century, these types of firearms were firmly established. Again, if the problem of societal violence and school shootings merely caused by the ‘easy access’ to these types of guns, there should have been an accompanying explosion in these types of attacks during this time. The fact is, It would take another 70 years before this phenomenon would emerge.

If Guns were the problem:

  • There would have been attacks with revolvers from the 1870’s onward.
  • There would have been attacks with semiautomatics from the 1900’s onward.

If it truly was an issue of the ‘easy access to guns’ these kinds of attacks should have taken place more than 100 years ago. Similarly, if strict controls on Liberty were the answer, these types of attacks, there wouldn’t take place with severe limitations on Liberty such as the UK, Japan, China, Australia and in the states.

The Liberty Grabber Left loves to imply that ‘safety’ is merely one step away, all we have to do is pass their most recent scheme to restrict our basic human rights and individual freedoms. It doesn’t matter that said measure won’t work as advertised. That is a feature, not a bug. Abject failure on their part means they can give it a go one more time to amass even more power for themselves. Never mind that said failure means that people have died. They merely blame their failures on someone else with hyperbolic invective that their political enemies have blood on their hands for the ‘crime’ wanting to keep their basic human rights.

If it’s not the ‘easy access to guns’ then it has to be something else, something that has changed in the past 40 years or so. This would be what the national socialist Left and the media [but we repeat ourselves] have done to the culture and what the media have done to encourage these attacks. Tom Knighton over at Bearing Arms also noted that recent years have seen a severe uptick in societal violence, long after repeating and semiautomatic firearms became ubiquitous. The Left in general has been the cause of societal violence, however, there are some prime examples of their culpability in this issue that we will cite as examples.

How The Media Inspires Mass Shooters.

As reported on Ammoland.com:

A paper presented to the American Psychological Association found the number of mass killings, rampage killings or “mass shootings”, may be doubled by irresponsible media aggrandizement of mass killers. The desire for fame was found to be one of the main motivators of these rampage killers.

Even the far left publication ‘Mother Jones’ has detailed How The Media Inspires Mass Shooters. It’s to their cynical advantage to do this for several reasons. First, they get to grandstand with images of the scene of the shooting, droning endlessly on about the perpetrator and their possible motive, providing hours of live commentary and analysis. Second, all of this is but a virtue signalling telethon for their ratings, where they get to show how much they care whilst condemning 120 million innocent people for not wanting to give up their civil rights. Third, they can incessantly push the national socialist Left’s final solution to the Liberty problem with discussions of how fast and how soon the guns of innocent people should be confiscated for the ‘heinous’ crime of wanting to be able to protect themselves.

It’s always a win-win for the media, for they aren’t going to be the ones to be endangered by gun confiscation. They will always have their armed security and bodyguards, who cares about the proles who don’t have such luxuries. They encourage more attacks, making the perpetrators infamous and they reap the benefits, why should they be concerned with actually solving the problem? The same holds true for the rest of the nation’s socialist Left – their policies cause and encourage these attacks, why shouldn’t they reap the benefits in more power and prestige?

The societal destruction implications of LBJ’s ‘Great Society’.

There are of course a number of causes born of the underlying philosophy of the Liberty Grabber Left that have resulted in this phenomena. One of the earliest of the time period was the ‘war on poverty’ program from president Lyndon Baines Johnson that only served to tear apart the family. It should be noted that Of 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Were Fatherless, this result of the ‘Great Society’ program cannot be coincidental.

The Left’s assault on Liberty and morality via cultural Marxism.

It’s also not a coincidence that the 1960’s and later witnessed the intensifying of the onslaught on our society’s moral underpinnings with cultural Marxism. Such things do not take place in a vacuum, they have ancillary effects on society.

In the most recent case of a mass murder shooting, the perpetrator had to have planned ahead to cut through a fence to access a crowd of potential victims. The information we have so far would lead one to believe there is no other motive aside from gaining infamy from such an attack. The national socialist media is doing all it can to provide this infamy, while tacitly encouraging the next perpetrator looking for infamy.

In his recent column on the same subject, Dennis Prager made these very salient points on the matter:

Given the same ubiquity of guns, wouldn’t the most productive question be what, if anything, has changed since the 1960s and ’70s? Of course it would. And a great deal has changed. America is much more ethnically diverse, much less religious. Boys have far fewer male role models in their lives. Fewer men marry, and normal boy behavior is largely held in contempt by their feminist teachers, principals and therapists. Do any or all of those factors matter more than the availability of guns?

Regarding religiosity, the left welcomes — indeed, seeks — the end of Christianity in America (though not of Islam, whose robustness it fosters). Why don’t we ask a simple question: What percentage of American murderers attend church each week?

[Emphasis added]

The Bottom Line.

We will finish this discussion where we began. The recent shootings in the bastions of Liberty Control prove that these ever more draconian restrictions on freedom will never solve the problem because it’s not a question of inanimate objects. It’s a question of culture and morality, something the Left wants to ignore in their never-ending quest for power.

It’s always a win-win for the Left: They debase our society’s moral underpinnings and culture and they reap the benefits in more power for themselves. Meanwhile, they blame their failed policies on someone else, virtue signalling until the cows come home.

The Authoritarian Socialist Left would like to think that cultural Marxism has no other effects than what they want. This is clearly not the case, with the results being deadly, made worse by their insistence on perpetuating the problem by empowering themselves and disarming the innocent.

We are currently forming the American Conservative Movement. If you are interested in learning more, we will be sending out information in a few weeks.

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