Last Minute Facebook Targeting Tips So Your Brand Can Win Halloween | Social Media Today

Halloween’s right around the corner, and advertisers will be flocking to the opportunity to win their share of the projected $9.1 billion Americans will spend on the holiday this year.  And with 22% of adults looking for Halloween-related deals online, Facebook ads can be an ideal way to get the message out for respective brands. 

Many have already started the push for dollars, and are already seeing results, but there’ll also be last-minute wins to be had which can help increase your return. 

To ensure you’re tapping into all available opportunities, here’s a listing of ad targeting techniques which can help you maximize your Facebook ad returns

1. Expand age range if possible

The 18-24 demographic on Facebook is always a more expensive demographic when looking at overall bidding costs, however, don’t underestimate just how valuable this demo is during this time. 

Although always fluctuating, this screenshot gives a solid snapshot at just how important 18-24-year-olds are considered during the Halloween and “PSL” season with CPCs bidding as high as $10.67. 

This drops to $2.91-$5.09 when targeting 25-34-year-olds. 

If your brand has interest in expanding age groups, or believes conversion rates could hold up when adding a couple of years to your targeting, then this can be a strong opportunity to test, as rising CPCs can kill any campaign looking to maintain or grow ROAS.

2. Make your targeting more detailed than generic

It can be easy to just select “Halloween” as an interest and call it a day when looking to reach those interested in the holiday. But this will likely kill your costs. 

The interest base that encompasses all of Halloween is on everyone’s list, whether as the only interest for the lazier paid social buyers or on a laundry list for the overly-ambitious. Either way, it is there and it is expensive. 

A better approach is to break down the type of Facebook user you want to reach and target more specific interests that will reach the Halloween lovers without breaking the bank. 

For example, if your brand sells jewelry that’s not intended as costume jewelry, but could be used as such, then try out interests like “Halloween costume”, “Costume”, “Dress Up”, “Costume Party” paired with a behavior like “Jewelry” to achieve better results (and for likely half the cost).

3. Create a custom audiences from your Offline Events

If you don’t have offline events set up, then this step can be skipped but it’s definitely recommended for any companies with brick and mortars or phone sales businesses.  

For those with Offline Events set up, custom audiences can be created from those who’ve interacted with the business. This can be great for retargeting efforts, but more important is the Lookalike Audience which can be built on top of that. 

With your Lookalike Audience, the added layer of consistency can be key if the goal is to drive more users to the store, considering the majority of Americans will be going to a physical location when getting their Halloween needs.

These last-minute Facebook iterations can help save costs, and hopefully help bolster the start of your Q4 KPIs. With the average consumer expected to spend $86.10 each, it’s worth taking the time to ensure all your bases are covered.

Thumbnail image via Pixabay

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