There are many ways to secure more business.
Trying to secure more client business can be overwhelming. You may not know what to do or where to start. You may feel like you tried “everything” and are stuck. There are many ways to market yourself for more business, and some methods can be overlooked. Consider utilizing these six tips to obtain more clients.
1. Optimize your website.
To maximize your business, you need to have an online presence. Can people find you on the Internet? Can potential clients contact you readily? Do prospects have a sense of the quality of your work?
Make sure that your website is SEO-friendly, which refers to search engine optimization. When your website is optimized for search engines, people can more easily find you online. Think about the names or words you want people to associate with you and your business. Let’s say you are a freelance high school chemistry tutor. Make sure your website appears when someone might search online with words like ‘”chemistry,” “tutor,” “science,” “teaching,” “learning support,” “high school” or “college prep.”
Make sure people can easily contact you. You might have a webpage titled “Contact” and include your email address and phone number or an option to submit a message. It does not help you if people are interested in hiring you but are unable to make contact.
Also, include testimonials. Include on your website brief content from past clients who can speak to the quality of your work. Recommendations go a long way.
2. Reach out to past clients.
Repeat business is easier to come by than new business. While the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent, the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20 percent. Also, repeat business brings in more cash. Past customers spend 33 percent more than new customers. It pays to focus on past clients.
Past clients can also help you to get new clients. Let your past clients know that you are available for additional work so that they can refer you as opportunities arise. Do not assume people will think of you, even if your work is stellar. The key to obtaining more business is consistently staying top of mind. It is your responsibility to remind people of your abilities and availability.
3. Give a workshop for the local chamber of commerce or community working space.
Provide some in-person content to wet people’s appetites. Give people a preview of who you are and what you have to offer. If you are a financial planner, you might talk about the markets and the economy. If you are a medical professional, discuss the new trends and techniques in your specialty. If you are a website developer, talk about the importance of SEO and the elements that go into having an online website. Give people enough content for them to think of you and want to hire you for your skills.
4. Publish on LinkedIn.
Start writing. Share your knowledge with people. You don’t have to publish on a major platform. You have the means to start publishing now. Use LinkedIn’s publishing platform.
Promote your knowledge through writing. This is particularly important for women who tend to promote themselves less than men, including on LinkedIn.
5. Hold yourself out as an expert to reporters.
When reporters are writing, they will consider sources or experts to include in their story. Subscribe to HARO (Help A Reporter Out), an e-mail that looks for sources for journalists. Studies show that more men than women are used as sources in articles. Put yourself out there to let journalists know that you exist and the knowledge you hold. People who read the articles will now know who you are to be able to consider you for services.
6. Be active in professional associations.
Get to know other professionals in your area. They may have tips on other ways to secure business. They also may provide referrals if they are unavailable or the work is not in their wheelhouse. Colleagues are not competition. Your peers can help you.
There are many ways to try and secure more business, and sometimes you need reminders of ways that can be overlooked. Optimize your online presence, utilize your business relationships, be a source for articles and engage with professional associations.
What other ways do you secure more business clients? Share with me your stories and thoughts via Twitter or LinkedIn.