Pinterest Monthly Users Graph

30 Pinterest Stats & 11 Facts Marketers Must Know in 2020

Pinterest was the fastest standalone site in history to reach 10 million unique users in 2012. Since then, the platform has maintained and grown the highly engaged audience that helped it reach that initial milestone.

Pinterest usership remains strong as its audiences frequently turn to the platform for shopping, planning social activities, learning things through how-to posts and planning out life’s moments with boards for visual inspiration.

With more than 200 billion Pins to browse through, there are opportunities for every type of brand on Pinterest. So let’s check the Pinterest stats that will help you create successful marketing campaigns on the platform. 

1. Pinterest has more than 320 million monthly active users

At the end of 2019, Pinterest reported having 322 million monthly active users worldwide. While nearly one third of those users are from the US, the number of users outside the US is growing rapidly. Pinterest gained around 51 million international monthly users in 2019 compared to the five million in the US.

So, what does this mean for your brand? Simply put, Pinterest has potential for both local and global companies alike. With a little help from a tool like Sprout Social, you can even find out exactly where your audience comes from and tailor your content accordingly.

2. Women on Pinterest power buying decisions

71% of global Pinterest users are female, according to Statista. When concentrating on the US, Pinterest reaches 83% of women  ages 25-54. That same group makes 80% of the buying decisions in US households and they are harnessing the power of Pinterest to visualize their future, strategize about their goals and assist them on their purchasing journey. 

Moreover, these Pinners invest time and money in what they’re passionate about. 

3. 40% of US dads use Pinterest

Women dominate the Pinterest world as only 20% of users are male. However, platform stats show that dads are turning to Pinterest more than ever. 40% of U.S. dads use Pinterest and are using it to research, shop and plan for fatherhood. 

4. 52% of millennials use Pinterest every month

According to stats from Pinterest’s IPO filing, over half of the millennial population in the US (born 1983-1998) uses the platform every month. These social-savvy millennials are used to planning their future and looking for new ideas on the platform, and they’re increasingly likely to buy the things they Pin. Millennials who use Pinterest are spending 17% more than millennials who don’t. Combined with millennials’ tendency to research products on social before buying, brands have a strong opportunity to connect with their most interested and engaged audiences on the platform.

5. Pinterest users actively research purchases

Pinterest isn’t a platform that only rewards great photos. 89% of US Pinners use Pinterest for inspiration in their path to purchase. And it’s not just inspiration that consumers are looking for. 47% of Pinners log onto the site specifically to shop, making it nearly four times more effective at generating sales than other social platforms. 

That power is not lost on Pinterest as they continue creating more ways for Pinners to shop directly in-app. In 2018 Pinterest introduced Product Pins, letting brands upload full catalogs of shoppable items and include pricing info, availability, product title, description and links that lead directly to the checkout page on the retailer’s site.

More recently, Pinterest rolled out Shop the Look ads, allowing advertisers to tag up to 25 items in an image, and added a “Shop” tab to business profiles that enables people to shop items directly from a business’s profile.

Simply put, Pinterest is a great place to let your visual marketing strategy and must-have products shine as audiences turn to the platform for ideas on where to spend.

6. 28% of marketers are already using Pinterest

Data published in January last year found that 28% of global marketers are already using Pinterest for promotion. That number will most likely continue to go up as more businesses realize the unique opportunities they have to be discovered on the platform.

A link that leads back to the source of the image is baked right into every pin, and creates inbound traffic for the associated brand. Approximately 95% of the images on Pinterest were either pinned or re-pinned from the web, meaning Pinners are constantly creating user-generated content on behalf of brands without even knowing it. Brands who are more conscious of that power may choose to integrate Pinterest with their website and add “Pin It” buttons to their products or other visual content.

7. 78% of users say content from brands is useful, including ads

On most social media channels, it’s crucial to find the balance between promotional and engaging content. The good news is that since Pinterest is so focused on ideas, themes and inspiration that content from brands is useful to 78% of users. 

The key to making the most out of this brand-loving audience is to figure out how to use Pinterest effectively. Start by making sure that you’re creating content that’s relevant to your target audience. It’s also helpful to use Pinterest analytics or a tool like Sprout Social to determine exactly what your audiences are responding to.

Educational content from brands is particularly useful on Pinterest. People love shopping around for new ideas when there’s plenty of tips and insights to go alongside them. This channel is an excellent place for wedding brands, food bloggers, interior design businesses, niche companies and more to show off what makes them unique. 

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out Pinterest Trends (in beta), a new tool helping businesses tap into emerging trends to make better strategic decisions.

8. Nine out of 10 Pinners describe Pinterest as filled with positivity

While some social media spaces have become volatile, Pinterest’s co-founder said the platform may be “the last positive corner of the internet.” And he’s got the Pinners to prove it. In fact, 90% of users agree that Pinterest is “filled with positivity” and the platform is doing its best to keep it that way. In the summer of 2019, Pinterest unveiled a “more compassionate search experience” with a collection of emotional well-being activities for users experiencing sadness, stress, anxiety, depression and beyond. 

As more brands get real, Pinterest has become a place users go for inspiration, guidance and support surrounding topics that can be difficult to discuss. The data backs this up when you look at some  of the rising trends people searched on Pinterest in the last year: 

Now more than ever, consumers believe it’s important for businesses to take a stand on public issues. To understand how brands can effectively navigate this risky business, check out our guide to creating change in the conscious consumer era.

9. The average time spent on Pinterest is 14.2 minutes

Pinterest statistics suggest that the amount of time you have to capture your customer’s attention is growing. The 14.2 minutes spent on Pinterest per session is a significant opportunity to earn your audience’s interest.

To make the most of the time that your audience is spending on Pinterest, your content needs to be highly engaging. Fitness company Gymshark used Pinterest to drive engagement with more than 1.8 million followers. The brand was able to adjust their tone of voice correctly to speak to their target audience and deliver the right message in a shorter amount of time.

10. 80% of Pinterest users access the channel via mobile

Like much of today’s online activity, there’s a growing demand for mobile access on Pinterest. 85% of Pinterest users prefer reaching the platform via their smartphones.

For brands, this means creating content optimized for mobile. Keep your material clear and easy to read on smaller screens and remember to stick with high-quality images and the correct specs for the platform to make your pins stand out. With the right approach to Pinterest content, you can get your audience to stop scrolling and explore your brand’s content in depth.

Pinterest isn’t just optimizing mobile for Pinners, they’re adding features specifically for marketers as well. In 2019,  Pinterest introduced Mobile Ad Tools, a feature that lets marketers and businesses create and manage Pinterest campaigns right from their phones.

11. By 2020, Pinterest ad revenue is projected to surpass $1 billion

Pinterest’s advertising revenue shows a dramatic increase over the past few years and is projected to surpass $1 billion this year. With ads seamlessly integrated into the main feed and users that actually want to see promoted content, now is a great time for brands to get involved.

The advertising reach of the platform which experiences a 4.1% quarter-on-quarter increase, the highest of any social media platform, and high engagement with users have made Pinterest especially appealing to advertisers. 61% of users make purchases from promoted pins, so it’s worthwhile, especially for retail brands, to invest in creating more valuable Pinterest ads. 

Time to get Pinning

This year’s Pinterest stats show that the users of the platform are dedicated shoppers, with a desire to dig into social content. With tools like Sprout Social, companies can create highly engaging visual content that puts their brand in front of some of the most motivated shoppers.

Are you active on Pinterest yet? Let us know about your strategy in the comments below!

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