Best Rated Tips For On Page Optimization

Best Rated Tips For On Page Optimization

On page optimization is an important factor to be considered when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. Every website would like to align the design and features of the website to be on line with the search engines. It will help them to get better traffic through which the unique number of visitors can be increased to a greater level. This article will give you valuable points about on page optimization that will help you to gain maximum visibility through these engines.

  • Every page is distinct and has its own importance. Make sure you give distinct title, keywords and add meta tag for every web page that you have. It is suggested to use 4-6 keywords for every page. A tip here is to use the main keyword and its synonym terms.
  • The keyword description and the meta tag should be specific to the web page and should not be for the entire website. Focus on the individual pages and keywords to achieve better results.
  • Do not use hidden text and white color for the fonts. It is very important to make sure you do not have any hidden links in the text. Do not stuff the content with irrelevant keywords that will deviate the concentration of search bots.
  • Google likes to have a site map and it is recommended in their guidelines. Have you set up one in your website? If not, it is now time to build up the site map. There are free applications available that will help you to create site maps and link it to your website. Proper links must be placed in every web page, more about that you can find at best link building service for instance. Stay from little keywords when you are going to place main keywords. For example, it is enough to say “website search” instead of “the website search”. The ad-hoc words will decrease the importance of the main keywords.
  • Presence of the keyword in domain name will definitely add value to the on page optimization techniques. Though they are not mandatory, it is still recommended to have them.
  • The meta tag description should be about 15 to 20 words long which is described as ideal length.
  • Use the H1 tag for heading and do not miss out on this factor. It is recommended to use the CSS tags to control their presence.
  • The “Alt” text plays a vital role in explaining about the images placed in your website. They will act as the alternative text for your images. Search bots are happy to read these text materials. Make sure the alt text will mirror the contents of the image and it should not be stuffed with keywords. The optimal length is expected to be under 80 characters.
  • Search engines will be unable to index the links when they are represented graphically. They will have no value for the bots.

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