
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Paid What You’re Worth

So you finally want to get paid what you’re worth?

You’re in the right place.

How do some photographers get $7,000 for a wedding shoot… while others get $500 for the same job?

How do some web designers create websites for $25,000… while others get stuck with $1000 gigs?

Why do some people get to charge so much while others deal with haggling at much more fair pricing?

Well, you’re in luck.

I put together this guide to help break it all down.

Most important, by the end of it, you’ll know how you can raise your rates so you can finally get paid what you’re worth.

Because let’s face it:

No one likes the feeling of being underpaid and underappreciated… So let’s put an end to it!

This guide includes 7 videos…

And I suggest you watch them in order.


Because getting paid more depends on two things:

#1 Your offer

#2 The psychology of the people that buy.

I cover both aspects in the 7 videos below. Each video will give you at least ONE insanely practical tip.

More specifically…

In the first video, I share the 3 reasons you’re currently NOT getting paid what you’re worth. Then, in the next video, you’ll see what people who can charge $1,000 (or more) per hour do differently.

In video 3, I talk about the dumbest pricing mistake entrepreneurs make… and how to fix it.

Then in the 4th video, I’ll show you how to raise your rates. You may be surprised, because what I suggest is counterintuitive… but it works (I share data and real-world examples).

But what if people haggle your rates? I got you covered. In video #5 I share a word-for-word script you can start using today.

In video #6 goes even more in-depth into the psychology of your customers. You see, people make buying decisions in one of two different ways. It’s important to understand which group you’re dealing with. Once you do, you’ll always know the best way to ask for the sale.


In video 7 I explain why discounting is for dummies… and what you should do instead if you want to spike your sales.


Here we go.

Video #1: The 3 Reasons You’re Not Getting Paid What You’re Worth

Inside this video, I show you 3 mistakes people make when they price their products and services. It leads to them getting underpaid and under-appreciated.

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I share one simple technique that helps you communicate your value… instantly.

Watch this now:

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(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

Video #2: This Is Why Some People Can Charge $1,000 (or more) Per Hour

Ever wonder why some people can charge $50 per hour? Or $100 per hour? Or $1000 (or more) per hour?

You may think “it depends on your industry,” and that’s partly true.

But there’s one other thing that’s directly correlated to how much you can charge your clients…

…and I break it down in this video:

Like this video? Then make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel – even if you’re already on my email list.

(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

Video #3: The Dumb Pricing Mistake Entrepreneurs Make When Pricing Their Products And Services (And How To Fix It)

There’s a dumb mistake entrepreneurs make when they price their products and services…

…and it leaves a TREMENDOUS amount of revenue on the table.

Are you making it?

If you are, don’t worry. It’s EASY to fix once you know what it is.

Don’t take my word for that though…

Instead, trust the hard data and the real-life case study I share in the premiere episode of Social Triggers TV. Check it out:

Like this video? Then make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel – even if you’re already on my email list.

(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

Video #4: How to Raise Your Rates By Offering Less Value (yes, LESS value)

Inside this video, I’ll share one big insight from an interesting pricing experiment.

Long story short?

People are willing to pay more money… for less value… in one specific instance.

Like this video? Then make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel – even if you’re already on my email list.

(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

READ ALSO  YouTube Expands Community Features Allowing Businesses Greater Customer Engagement

Video #5: Tired of people haggling your rates? Watch this.

Sick and tired of hagglers?

I hear ya…

That’s why in this video, I share a word-for-word script you can start using today.

Watch this now to learn how to stop hagglers in their tracks:

Like this video? Then make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel – even if you’re already on my email list.

(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

Video #6: How to Persuade People to Pay You More For What You Do

There are two types of people when it comes to making purchase decisions.

If you want to charge more for what you sell, you need to know which group of people you’re dealing with. Or if you’re dealing with BOTH types of people.

It all comes down to what you say when you ask for the sale…

I share the difference (and some examples) in this video:

Like this video? Then make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel – even if you’re already on my email list.

(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

Video #7: Discounting IS For Dummies – Here’s Why (And What To Do Instead)

Discounting is for dummies – here’s why and what to do instead:

Look, if you’re thinking of running a sale or a discount…


Yes, a discount can create a spike in sales.

Yes, that spike in sales can be tantalizing (especially since everyone and their grandparents are running a discount right now).

But in this video, you’ll see why discounting can DESTROY your business.

And more important – I’ll show you what to do instead…

Watch this now:

Like this video? Then make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel – even if you’re already on my email list.

(I’m creating new videos EVERY DAY and I don’t email out each new video. So, if you don’t want to miss any new videos, subscribe now.)

And That Wraps It Up

Those are the 7 videos.

If you found them helpful, make sure you subscribe to my new channel for more information!

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