4 Ways to Grab the Attention of Super Successful Bloggers

Yesterday I received a handful of emails pitching me on various products, services and guest posts.

Some went directly to spam. As expected, as the emails were spam.

But other emails actually made it to my inbox.

All of these bloggers want to catch the attention of established, pro bloggers but go about the process all wrong.

Said bloggers actually do the exact opposite of what you should do to snag the attention spans of pros.

I am a pretty busy dude. Although I have not thousands of things to do daily I work off of the clock and have zero time to spend on desperate or mindless pleas, because I have so many blogging buddies to help and partner with, said friends having built relationships with me over months and years.

The biggest problem faced by newbie or struggling bloggers: this lot has a tough time grasping the idea that asking a successful blogger for business or a guest posting opportunity without helping them at all, coming in ice cold, is the worst way to grab their attention. The opposite happens; the blogger labels your email as spam, sealing your fate as more of your future emails go directly to spam, never to be seen again.

Here’s how to catch the attention of super successful pro bloggers.

1: Retweet their Latest Post

I often retweet blog posts of influential bloggers to share helpful content for my readers.

Building bonds with top bloggers is a neat side effect of hitting a retweet button on a regular basis.

Read top bloggers. Share their posts on Twitter.

Pop up on big dawg blogger radar screens through the simple act of retweeting blog posts.

2: Comment Genuinely on Top Blogs

Genuine blog commenting has opened more doors for me than you could ever believe.

My friend Donna Merrill is a great example of someone who published authentic, genuine comments on top blogs persistently.

She does not comment to get. She comments to give.

Naturally, Donna has caught the eye of some big time influential bloggers and has built a thriving blogging business through the powerful strategy of sharing thorough, personalized, meaty comments on top blogs.

If you want to snag a pro blogger’s attention there are few better ways to do it than by publishing a 3-4 paragraph, valuable blog comment on their latest post.

3: Chat about Offline Interests on Social Media Sites

My friend and influential online business mentor Alonzo Pichardo and I had connected a few months prior to our chat but we formed a deeper bond when chatting about old school rap on Facebook.

After our little online talk about icons like Big Daddy Kane and Kool Moe Dee he invited me to guest post on his established blog. We then began co-promoting one another.

Alonzo gracefully invited me to chat with him on YouTube about online success tips.

Nearly 225,000 YouTube video views and 41,000 Sound Cloud plays (from a single test podcast) later, we have created quite a series that online entrepreneurs are digging, big-time.

Be a human being. Keep things light sometimes. Share your offline interests to catch the attention of influencers who want to connect with you based on business and offline interests.

4: Email Asking How You Can Help

As a newbie blogger you may wonder how in the heck you can help an established pro blogger.

Believe me; influential bloggers appreciate every bit of help they can get. Especially heart-centered bloggers.

Only the arrogant, delusional or outright insane bloggers of the world would turn down or scoff at help from a relatively unknown blogger. These cats are rare.

Even though I have nearly 53,000 followers on Twitter, if you ask me for help and you have only 1 Twitter follower I will ask you to retweet my latest blog post. Abundant thing to do. You feel good about helping me and I feel good about getting extra exposure because every follower literally counts.

You also pop up on my radar by reaching out to help me. I remember kind, generous people.


Watch as I discuss the concept of helping top bloggers without asking and how this practice helps you grab the attention span of influential bloggers.

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