How Click-to-Call Can Drive More Business for Your Business

Marketers understand the importance of making it easy for customers and prospects to find contact information. Websites often have prominent “contact us” sections, chat opportunities that pop up in a corner of the screen, and promises of quick response times.

But some marketers may be overlooking one contact channel: the phone. Despite the belief that customers don’t want to talk or don’t have time to call, offering a click-to-call option is a useful way to help customers reach your business.

And the technology is more trackable than it’s ever been, with call data merged into CRM systems and click-to-call analytics helping marketers track, record, and optimize inbound calls.

In fact, in 2016, global click-to-call revenue was estimated at $7.41 billion, and that figure is expected to grow to $13.70 by 2020.

That’s according to an infographic created by the team at M2 On Hold, which explains how marketers can use click-to-call technology and what benefits it can bring to the customer experience—and your revenue.

Check out the graphic to learn more:

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Laura Forer is the manager of MarketingProfs: Made to Order, Original Content Services, which helps clients generate leads, drive site traffic, and build their brands through useful, well-designed content.

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LinkedIn: Laura Forer

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