Close Deals Faster and Speed Up Collections

Would you like to bring revenue in the door faster? Do you want every edge possible to get paid fast?

Did you know that more than half of small businesses require two employees to process a single invoice? And 10 percent of small businesses actually required three!  I don’t know about you, but in our small business we can’t afford that kind of inefficiency.

We’re going to be holding an informative live webinar to address this kind of problem, and we invite you to attend.

We’ll share information about how to quickly get contracts and customer documentation signed.  And more importantly, how to get paid fast!

Walk away with concrete tips for how to get contracts signed and invoices paid faster. Plus, get access to DocuSign whitepapers with actionable ideas for how to improve YOUR company’s systems.

Register today for this webinar! And mark your calendar!

Webinar Details:

Title: Make it Rain Money: Close Deals Faster and Speed Up Collections

Speakers:  Anita Campbell, CEO of Small Business Trends, Alice Bredin, President of Bredin Incorporated, which conducted the research we will cover, and Jeff Perry, head of the Commercial SMB Sales Team at Docusign.

Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 1:00 pm Eastern time

Register here to reserve your spot.

Photo via Shutterstock

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