LinkedIn Adds Sponsored Video, Video for Company Pages

Video is the most popular content form, in terms of engagement, across all social platforms – and LinkedIn is no exception.

According to internal data, LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post – and as such, it makes sense for LinkedIn make video more of a focus, and to provide more options for video use.

LinkedIn rolled out native video to all users last August, and more recently added new sticker and text options to give your video presentation another element. Now, the professional social network is taking the next step, with the launch of video Sponsored Content, and video for company pages on the platform.

As you can see in this example, LinkedIn’s Sponsored Content ads will autoplay on mute, and can be linked to the platform’s various ad tools, including prominent call to action buttons and integrated lead gen forms.

And the format has already been driving results – as per LinkedIn:

Since launching our private beta in October, over 700 advertisers, including GE, Philip and Audi Canada have tested video for Sponsored Content to highlight not only their products and services, but also their company mission, customer success stories, and thought leadership content. These videos are helping marketers deepen engagement with their brands – on average, LinkedIn members spend almost 3x more time watching video ads compared to time spent with static Sponsored Content.”

Definitely, the format looks engaging, and will help your messaging stand out in user feeds. This is likely particularly relevant on LinkedIn as the platform is not overrun by other videos, which could help make video sponsored content stand out.

LinkedIn will also provide relevant insights on video sponsored content views, including data on the types of professionals watching, engaging, and converting via your video ads.

“LinkedIn’s proprietary Conversion Tracking tool is also integrated, enabling you to measure the number of leads, sign-ups, website visits, and other valuable actions that your video content generates.”

The other new option, company page video, will, according to LinkedIn, give businesses a chance to showcase their culture, products and news announcements in a new, immersive way.

Companies can also showcase how they’re effectively attracting talent, and driving engagement, and conversation with professional audiences right from their Company Page on LinkedIn. Company Page video is 5x more likely than other types of content to start a conversation among members, based on results in our beta program.”

Both additions have clear benefits, and as noted, will add something new to the LinkedIn process, which could help your updates and messaging stand out.

The updates also put further emphasis on video content more broadly. If you’re not investing in video, or considering how you can utilize it in your messaging, it should be on your agenda as something to explore further this year.

Video for Sponsored Content and Company Pages is rolling out from today, and will be available to all businesses within the next few weeks.

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