What Rule Bolsters Your Blogger Outreach Campaign?

Does blogging feel like an uphill climb to you?

Are you begging to get connected?

You are likely ignoring blogger outreach.

Even if outreach is in your arsenal you may be applying it the wrong way. Some bloggers go gaga over influencer marketing hacks often shared by inexperienced, non-connected, green bloggers. Said hacks plain do not work because the energy driving these campaigns is manipulative and fear-driven.

I wrote a helpful blogger outreach eBook to assist you in connecting with and befriending top bloggers. Pick it up if you want a handy guide to refer to if you need some wind in your blogger outreach sales.

One topic pops up frequently in the eBook: honoring the Golden Rule. This is hands down the easiest concept to embrace if you want to do blogger outreach effectively.

The Golden Rule

Here’s how it works: treat others how you want to be treated. If you want blog traffic just help other bloggers get traffic by:

  • promoting them on social media
  • promoting them on your blog
  • interviewing them
  • accepting their guest posts
  • emailing them asking how you can help them

Maxwell Ivey of The Blind Blogger does a smash up job in this regard. His Facebook feed seemed to be buzzing with many of my recent blog posts along with blog posts from bloggers other than himself.

He is seeing increasing success by honoring the Golden Rule of life and blogging: give whatever you wish to receive.

Lorraine Reguly of Wording Well also does a fantastic job promoting other bloggers freely. One look at her Twitter feed displays her generosity. Her online success is predicated by the same generosity Max shows.

Why Take Care of Others Before Taking Care of Yourself?

Some bloggers struggle to embrace and use this concept because they fear they will not get blog traffic if they are busy promoting other bloggers all day long. The opposite idea is true: you will not get blog traffic all day long if you just promote yourself because readers don’t trust greedy, selfish, fearful bloggers.

How can you help readers if you only talk about yourself all day long? How can you become a generous, compassionate team player by focusing solely on your needs? No way in heck you grow your blog traffic and
income substantially unless you dive 100% into promoting other bloggers. Toss in genuinely commenting on their blogs and you’ve a powerful 1-2 punch guaranteed to drive your traffic and increase your blogging profits.

If you take care of other bloggers without asking for anything in return a growing number of bloggers take care of you. Observe connected bloggers; these pros have friends in all corners by generously helping bloggers out for quite a minute, promoting bloggers, endorsing bloggers and commenting on blogger’s blogs genuinely for months, to establish friendships with pros.

Blogger outreach dynamos are generous bloggers; simple as that.

Live by the Blogging Golden Rule to engage in an effective blogger outreach campaign.

How Can You Help Bloggers?

Be on the lookout for bloggers to help and assist them in as many ways as possible.

Comment on their blogs to add social proof to their online real estate. Promote them on social media. Link to successful bloggers doing outreach effectively on your blog.

Surrounding yourself with generous bloggers is a smart way to build your outreach campaign on a rock solid foundation. These folks are incredibly giving individuals who happily expand your presence without looking for or expecting anything in return.

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