You’ve got your email program up and running, and maybe it’s even going pretty well.
And you’re A/B-testing, right?
Testing pieces of creative is helpful, but remember to look at the entire email. Even email campaigns that seem to be working well may have room for improvement.
An infographic by email design and HTML-coding company EmailMonks offers ideas on some simple, often-overlooked parts of your email to review to make sure you’re following best-practices. And, if you are, consider testing to see whether you can get even better results.
For example, if much of your audience reads email on mobile devices, you might want to consider shorter subject lines. Try testing or, better yet, segmenting by device type and then testing.
The infographic points out that 91% of marketers achieve improved open and clickthrough rates in emails that use personalization over those that don’t, so consider testing different types of personalization to see what works best for your audience.
Ready to improve your email open and clickthrough rates? Check out the easy-to-implement ideas in the infographic. Just tap or click to see a larger version.
Laura Forer is a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She’s an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.