The Modern Marketing Guide to Organisational Structures

Sean Donnelly

Senior Research Analyst, Econsultancy

More reports from Sean Donnelly

Seán Donnelly is a Senior Researcher at Econsultancy. A strategic thinker with deep knowledge of marketing, Seán works on delivering industry-leading research, briefings and reports for the digital marketing sector.

Prior to this, Seán worked at Dublin City University (DCU) where he was responsible for industry engagement. In this role he led the delivery of over 150 digital marketing, ecommerce and elearning applied research projects with Irish and international businesses.

Seán was at the forefront of digital marketing training in Ireland. He led a digital outreach project from DCU called Techspectations which aimed to increase digital participation in society. Techspectations delivered more than 15,000 seats of free digital marketing training through a syllabus of free digital marketing workshops and bootcamps at DCU Business School, attended by professional marketers and SME owners. In addition, Seán worked closely with Irish based technology companies to garner support and participation by having them deliver product specific workshops as part of the Techspectations programme.

Seán continues to work in education as a part-time lecturer on DCU’s MSc in Digital Marketing programme.


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