Whither digital advertising? – Marketing Land

Considering the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the new California Consumer Privacy Act, massive fraud, lack of transparency and the hostility of various browsers to third-party cookies, it feels like digital advertising has come to a fork in the road.

So, which path(s) should it take?

“The pendulum has swung too far” toward programmatic advertising directed at users’ profiles using third-party data, Forrester analyst Susan Bidel told me recently, complicating my path-in-the-road metaphor.

“If you listen to [Proctor and Gamble] and Unilever,” she said, “they are all saying that digital marketing as practiced in the last five or six years has not borne out.”

[Read the full article on MarTech Today.]

About The Author

Barry Levine covers marketing technology for Third Door Media. Previously, he covered this space as a Senior Writer for VentureBeat, and he has written about these and other tech subjects for such publications as CMSWire and NewsFactor. He founded and led the web site/unit at PBS station Thirteen/WNET; worked as an online Senior Producer/writer for Viacom; created a successful interactive game, PLAY IT BY EAR: The First CD Game; founded and led an independent film showcase, CENTER SCREEN, based at Harvard and M.I.T.; and served over five years as a consultant to the M.I.T. Media Lab. You can find him at LinkedIn, and on Twitter at xBarryLevine.

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