5 Ways To Impress Your Customer Before They Even Make a Purchase

5 Ways To Impress Your Customer Even Before They Even Make a Purchase

We live in the age of smart buyers. The way they consume information, shop and make buying decisions has transformed.

If you can’t impress them, they’re not going to buy from you.

75% of consumers expect a consistent experience wherever they engage with your brand.

50% of consumers are likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t anticipate their needs. (Source: Salesforce)

If you want to make your business a success, there’s only one way: Attract customers and make them happy.

I hear you shouting, “how the hell can I do this?”

You don’t have to do extra special things to impress your potential customers. You just have to understand their needs and offer them a relevant solution.

Develop a strong relationship with them, create an excellent experience, and take care of them. Remember, happy prospects can prove to be the boon for your business.

Walt Disney put it best, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”

If you want to win them, understand their psychology. I’m not saying that you should hypnotize them to purchase your products. Just listen to them and understand what they actually want.

In this article, you’ll find 5 ways to impress your customers and make them fall in love with you.

1. Use the power of social proof

You’ve probably heard this advice frequently, “build trust with your audience.”


But the question is, how can you build a pattern of trust from the very beginning?

Social proof or testimonials can help you to build credibility among your target audience. Wondering why social proof is important?

Let’s say, you’re thinking to buy a new smartphone from Amazon, what’s the first thing you’ll do?

I’m sure you’ll check what the other buyers are saying about this smartphone. You don’t care what a company is saying about their mobile phone – you want proof from past buyers.


Social proof helps people make a clear decision. If they don’t trust you, they will not buy from you. Simple.

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Improve your sales by using the power of social proof. WikiJob increased sales by 34% by using customer testimonials.

Your website is the best place to show this social proof. Here are some different types of testimonials:

  • Customer’s words.
  • Success stories.
  • Case studies.
  • Client’s logos.
  • Social media praises.
  • Video testimonials.
  • Influencer’s words.

See this example from ChowNow, they did a great job on their testimonials page:

chownow for impress your customer

2. Listen to what they are saying

How can you help your customers and improve your service?

Understand and listen to what your customers are saying. It’s your responsibility to understand your target audience and solve their pain points.

Wondering how can you understand your customers and their needs?

Don’t make any guess or assumption about what your customers want. The simplest way to find out is by asking them.

Thanks to the Internet, email, and social media, it’s easier to connect with your prospects than ever before. If you want a customer to purchase your product, then you must understand what he or she wants and needs. Remember, if you don’t listen, they will go elsewhere.

You can send a quick survey email. Surveys are easy to setup and easy to track. It can help you collect feedback from your audience. You can also start a campaign on social media and encourage your audience to participate in it.

Check out this email from Artifact Uprising:

listen what they are saying for impress your customer

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3. Give them personalized incentives in your email

If you’re someone who is striving for customers then email can make it easy.

A study found that email is almost 40x better at acquiring new customers than social media.

No matter what your business is, email is the best way to engage with your audience.

Make your email personalized to win customers. What does this mean?

Send the right content to the right people at the right time.

Give some incentives, special discounts, or perks in your email. These giveaways encourage a person to buy.

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Start sending irresistible gifts to your audience – they will really appreciate it.

Let’s say one of your subscribers has a birthday next week, send him or her a special discount before their birthday. Experian found that birthday emails have 481% higher transaction rates than promotional emails.

Here’s an example below from Omaha Steaks:

Give them personalized incentives in your email for impress your customer

4. Be grateful

“Thank You.”

These two simple words have great power. When you show your gratitude and say thank you, it makes the other person feel special.

Saying thank you can help you make a positive impact on your prospects.

Dale Carnegie said it best, “Be grateful for what you have to be thankful for instead of complaining about the little things that annoy you.”

Let’s say a user subscribes to your email list, serve them a thank you page immediately. It shows that the signup has been completed. You can use creative and interactive language on this page to entertain the prospect.

Check out this thank you page from Unbounce:

be gracefull to impress your customer

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Take this further and send her a welcome thank you email. This is your first conversation with them so make it engaging. You can also offer something valuable in this email to show your gratitude. They will appreciate it.

Kate Spade does a great job:

welcome thank you email to impress your customer

5. Make them feel special

We, humans, are social creatures and all want to feel special and appreciated. Right?

If you want to make a positive impact on your customers, you must make them feel valued. Treat your customers like a celebrity. After all, it’s the customer who makes your business a success and you can’t survive without them.

Your business should be customer-centric. Always be open to customer’s feedback and act on it.

Your every customer deserves to receive VIP treatment. They will appreciate it.

Guest author: Abhishek Shah is a digital evangelist & the co-founder of Ally Digital Media. He helps companies to increase their revenue via digital sales.

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