5 Best WordPress Plugins to Grow Your Blog

If your goal is to eventually build your blog into a well known brand, there are great tools available to help you scale quickly. You can start the process by utilizing the best WordPress plugins to grow your blog.

Plugins are essentially tools that you add to your website that serve a specific purpose. The best tools allow you to do one or more of the following:

  • Encourage audience engagement
  • Draw in more readers
  • View and access important data

Today we are going to look at 5 WordPress plugins that can change your blog from small-time to world famous.

Let’s dive in!

1. MonsterInsights

The first plugin we are going to look at is called MonsterInsights. As the name implies, this resource gives you insight into crucial data on your blog. This tool links your blog to Google Analytics so you can monitor information regarding people who land on your site.

You’ll be able to see how many sessions occurred throughout the day, the number of individual page views, where the visitors came from and how long they stayed, without leaving your WordPress admin area.

When you download this plugin, you’ll know where your visitors are coming from and who is linking to your content. If you can see how visitors are getting to your blog, you’ll be able to discover whether your ads are working, and where you can improve. The best thing about this plugin is its ease of use. It’s intuitive and makes finding data simple.

2. WPForms

WPForms is our go-to contact form plugin because it’s so customizable without the need to write a line of code. You can simply drag and drop the fields and buttons that you need to make the form that you need. As a blogger, time is scarce, and with this plugin you can create a form for your Contact Me page in as little as 5 minutes.

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The plugin comes packed with an array of options and settings that allow you to tweak your forms. You can change colors, size, format, and much more. It’s a breeze to make something that’s completely unique and suited specifically for your blog.

3. OptinMonster

Driving traffic to your site is just the beginning of your content marketing journey. The question is, how do you convert the people who decide to read your posts once and leave? OptinMonster solves this problem by allowing you to experiment with different call to action styles to strategically help you convert more visitors into email subscribers.

You can design campaigns from the ground up or use the vast array of templates the software has to offer. You can create sticky headers, exit-intent popups, slide-ins, and more to catch the attention of your target audience. The best part is that you can A/B test different opt-in forms to see which ones convert the best and keep tweaking until your content is a conversion driving machine.

4. Yoast

Now that you’ve figured out how to keep and engage your audience, it’s time to pump up those numbers and get more viewers than ever before. Yoast is a plugin designed for bloggers who want to rank higher in search engines. Using a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin is crucial for those looking to maintain a healthy, growing audience.

Essentially, you can target certain “keywords” and use them to your advantage to rank higher on Google search engines. Let’s say you have a cooking blog, you may want to focus on general cooking terms as well as popular food recipes. When a potential viewer searches a recipe, if done correctly, your page will appear high in their search results.

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There is no better way to draw traffic to your website. Yoast is a must-have plugin for every serious blogger.

5. Subscribe to Comments Reloaded

Have you ever commented on a blog post, wishing that you could be notified when someone replies? This plugin solves this precise problem by letting readers subscribe to those comments they deem interesting.

The visitor reading your comment section will see an opt-in box that says “Notify me of followup comments via email. You can also subscribe without commenting.” Once they opt-in they will receive information pertaining to the comment section of the blog post, helping your blog stay top of mind, and hopefully encouraging repeat visits to your site.


Now that you know the 5 best WordPress plugins to grow your blog, you’re ready to get started. Make sure to take your time tweaking options and experimenting. Every blog is different, but every blog has the ability to be popular and profitable!

We hope this article helped you discover new and exciting plugins. Looking for more information on how to develop killer content? Check out our post on Writing Content the Right Way.

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