The main ways by which people discover video content

Chart of the day: How people discover full-length video content

When it comes to video content, making sure you gain as much reach as possible is always the main goal. Discovery of video content can take many forms and it is important for marketers to know how consumers do this. If this understood then video content, copy and delivery can be opitimized to give the best opportunity for maximum reach.


In a survey conducted by Nielsen, they asked: “Which of the following ways do you discover new movies, TV shows or other full-length video content”. Data was compared to last year with the order of answers not changing from the same survey conducted in 2017.

Word of mouth is still the main source of video-content discovery. This is mainly coupled with the integrity/trust that is more available to a word of mouth source. You trust someone you know more than someone you don’t know.

TV advertising remains the second most used route for discovery. This could be due to having had a longer time to be a trusted source but also it could be attributed to the higher engagement rating that TV has over other media.

For online marketers it will be good news to hear that it still comes in as the third most used source for content. It has also seen an increase of 32-36% of respondents saying it is the main source.

Marketers need to be ready for this rise in internet usage. With people spending more time online in various areas like social media, blogs and elsewhere, it is important to catch consumers where they will be.

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If you can make your content appear online and be worth talking about, then you are in the driving seat to ride the wave of two of the top three sources.

> Source – Marketing Charts

> Respondents – 2000 US people aged over 13

> Recommended resource – Essential Marketing Models

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