Six Ways to Grow Your Twitter Following by Leaps and Bounds in 2019

Are you wondering how to increase your Twitter followers in 2019? You’re not alone. Millions of business owners, independent artists, musicians, and content creators all want to know how to increase their Twitter views, engagements, likes, and followers in 2019. It’s not too early to start planning for the new year. You need to work on putting a marketing strategy in place that will help you gain Twitter followers and fans in the coming year.

Now is the time to start planning ahead for the new year, before the holidays come upon us or other things distract from what we know we need to do in order to prepare for the months ahead. People respond to many things such as improved colors, graphics, or other components. Check out this post to learn more about what you could do to increase your impact.

You could pay for Twitter followers through a service such as Famoid and many others. You do need to thoroughly check these services out, however, to make sure you are going to be getting quality views, engagements, and likes before you pay. Check out these services and make sure you are only getting authentic, real people preferably within the U.S. as a general rule. Even if you are marketing to other countries, be careful not to sign up for a service that uses bots to come to your site, or you might get dropped in your Google ranking.

Instead of purchasing views, try some practical tips for increasing your views yourself. The following six tips may help you to improve your Twitter following in 2019 which will help you promote your brand using Twitter. There is an accompanying infographic that you can refer to for even more tips that you will find at the bottom of this post.

Add a unique profile image

Just as is true with Instagram, Facebook, or any other kind of social media, you need a compelling social media profile. Start with your profile image. Look at the quality of your photo. Is it fresh and crisp or could the image use some work? If you need to do so, take a new picture of yourself with a selfie stick or a webcam then upload it to your Twitter account. Make sure you have a friendly, professional smile. People who do not know you may decide whether they want to do business with you or not based on your photo. Don’t try to look “shifty” or cute. Be yourself but try to communicate the idea that you are someone they can trust.

Focus on the Header Image Next

The header image is important also when it comes to attracting new Twitter views, follows or likes, and engagements. It’s also important to know the size specifications of the header image. The latest information on this shows that the perfect Twitter Header dimensions is 1500 x 500. You can use any of the standard files types such as jpg, gifs, or png. It’s a good idea to choose colors and photos that will complement your profile photo since the profile photo is located to the left of the header image.

Create an engaging and interesting Bio

Writing an interesting biography about yourself will also help increase interest in your profile. When people are searching for people to add, they may be interested in connecting with people who share their interests, political views, or music tastes, for example. Be real and share what matters to you to connect with people that you are most likely to connect with. If you are a business owner, you should think about what your ideal customer looks like and include things that potential customers will connect with on your profile page.

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Add a “follow button” on your blog

How will people know about your profile if you don’t make your social media presence known to them? Encourage more adds and follows by providing a “follow” button to your Twitter account so that you can get automatic “adds” from your blog or websites to your Twitter account. It’s a good idea to put up a follow button on all of your digital assets so that people will come to your Twitter page from several different channels or platform. The idea of “branding” includes creating a multichannel network of information on your brand that people will recognize no matter where they come from.

Just like on this blog, you should also make it easy for your visitors to click a button and have the page data (title and url) and @username sent right over to Twitter for a quick tweet. This can all be done through the power of WordPress and using a plugin like SassySocial.

Embed tweets in your blog posts

It’s great to link your Twitter account in your blog posts. But don’t forget to do the opposite and also put some of your best Tweets inside your blog posts. If it is relevant to what you are saying, why not share some of your Tweets within your blog. While you have your target audience on your blog, you need to expand the reach you have with these people through tweets and media that you place within your blog posts.

Want to see a real example of this in action? Simply look at the tweet from John Chow below.

Connect to influencers within your industry

As you are working on building your tribe, you will also want to borrow from other influencers who have a wider scope than you do. Find people that you can get to do a podcast with you or a video. If you cannot do this, ask if you can link to their content as a way to help both them and you to promote your brand and purpose.

Many top blogging influencers are authors, webinar experts, and many others who are more than willing to spend some time with you to promote their branding while help prop up your ideas on their site as well. Ask them what they are willing to do and be sure to tell them what you can do. In most cases, if you are unable to contact them or make a connection, they don’t usually mind you linking to their site without permission as long as you portray them in a positive light and put in a plug for their brand, book, or idea.

Bringing it all together

The key to improving your number of Twitter followers is not just one thing. It’s a combination of things that you do, perhaps one at a time to see which one is the most effective. You could start by changing your photo profile. If this gets you more views and followers, keep it that way. Then try sprucing up your Header image, updating your profile, or moving a few things around to help illustrate what your brand stands for. Run an experiment in which you change different elements, a few at a time until you see the result. Then you can use the methods that work the best for you and bring in the most views and engagements.

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In Summary…

We hope this infographic and included tips helps you to get started in the new year. We are only a couple of months away from another year. We hope your new year is more prosperous than ever and that you will be able to find ways to increase your following, likes, and views, improve your reach to your target audience, and use your Twitter account to better get your message across to the people who are the most likely to respond to what you have to offer.

Some Extra Twitter Studies to Check Out

If you crave even more information that is backed up by plenty of facts, statistics, and other information on social media and how to improve your Twitter reach, check out the following links we’ve compiled by researching how to increase your Twitter following.

How to Increase Security on Twitter for Companies

This study on security on Twitter by Our Social Times shows how to increase your security to avoid cyber hacker that could compromise your reputation or sensitive information on their platforms.

The Heinz Mayochup Initiative

This case study shows how the Heinz ketchup company marketed their new “hard-to-sell” product that combined mayo with ketchup on Twitter and got 1 billion impressions in under 48 hours. If, for no other reason, they got attention using Twitter. Their primary strategy was to illustrate the advantages of combining ketchup and mayo in one bottle so that you would not have to have two different bottles if you enjoy the tastes together. To achieve this, they partnered with Starcom and created an ad that was meant to entice people to try it. They also conducted a poll. The results were split but think of all of the potential followers, likes, and engagements they got just for putting out the ad!

Check out the infographic

If you think these six tips will help you increase your Twitter following, you may want to check out the Twitter marketing infographic for the other tips, too. Try different strategies until you figure out what works best for you.

If you have good results from any of the ideas we have shared, let us know. Our goal is to provide helping resources and information that will help you plan for the new year and make 2019 even more prosperous than this year has been.

When it comes to finding success on social media, you never know what will work best. Use your imagination and combine it with the resources and links we have provided here. You never know what you can do until you try!

Good luck!

Click Here To Download John Chow’s New eBook, The Ultimate Online Profit Model!

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