Online Marketing Strategies for SMES and Microenterprises

online-marketingCreating an online marketing strategy for small budgets, unlike what most people think, is not always easy. Here, you will learn how to do it for of SMEs (10 to 50 employees) and Micro companies (less than 10 employees).

An online marketing strategy does not only mean taking into account the target audience, but it also includes the budget, the tools, and channels to use. An adjustment of the budget allocated to each of the actions to be developed, achieving the greatest impact and possible results, are the challenges faced by a marketing manager of this type of business on a daily basis.

Creativity and ingenuity go hand in hand to highlight SMEs and Microenterprises within the online business context. The key to achieving this is to identify all the values that you can provide to your audience and make the most of them.

Keys to a Top Strategy with Reduced Budgets

If you are operating an SME or Microenterprise, implementing an online marketing strategy with a reduced budget is not a limitation. Next, we show you why.


The first step of any online marketing strategy will always be to identify your target audience. Knowing their needs will make it easier for you to satisfy them properly.

The strategy, in this case, is to concentrate your efforts on a very small potential market through customized campaigns seeking not only to impact but also some satisfaction and feeling of belonging that makes them know more about your brand, product or service.

Brand identity

The success of any company has a direct relationship with the power and ability to offer a simple, different and unforgettable experience. Establishing a defined identity is a decisive factor to ensure the prosperity of your business. Invest a few of your efforts in branding to be remembered by users.


One aspect that is directly related to the size of an SME or Microenterprise is its ability to have a large portfolio of products and services. But to be the best you do not have to offer everything.

Specialization plays a key role here. The best strategy to achieve greater differentiation is to offer users a lower range of products, but with greater benefits, more personalized and with really key attributes for the user. Only in this way will you be able to occupy a unique place in the market and the mind of the consumer.

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Differentiation and Adding Value

Today, almost 90% of online purchases are made by impulse, that is, the emotional added value that products bring to life.

But how can you add these values to your product? You can do it in many ways. Associating your product with a certain lifestyle, offering excellent customer service, consolidating a strong company culture, etc. are some of the ways you can add value to your products. Personalize the communication to the maximum with the values on which your base brand.

Incentive plan

It is a very effective tactic if you are looking for online loyalty to the clients that your brand already has. Using different actions that can add value to the consumer, an SME or Microenterprise can manage to transfer the offline public to the online world.

Although you see it as something very expensive, it is not necessary to spend much of your budget on them, since they can vary from a simple coupon discount to buy on the web to a small gift or special promotions for your client’s birthday, etc. You should always focus on retaining and maintaining customers who already trust the brand.

Essential Tools for SMEs and Microenterprises

Web and Blog

Both are excellent means to share your brand and what you offer with your users, interact with the public or reach new and potential customers. Always keep in mind when designing both platforms, which should be responsive portals (suitable for all types of devices), that the contents you share must be relevant and must be a true representation of your brand.

By sharing blog articles on different platforms such as social networks, you will also be able to expand the number of users that can consult it or have it as a source of reference information. Do not forget to add to other strategies such as email marketing, sending SMS, etc. to this strategy. You should always be aware of the latest news that relates to your brand.

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Social media

Social networks are free, can make you go viral, build trust and maintain your presence on the internet.

Create an optimized profile, a Fan Page, be constant and above all, diversify the content of your publications. Try to provide valuable content, quality images. Never underestimate the power of Social Media to boost traffic to your website.

Email Marketing

It is fundamental to attract and retain customers. The success of an e-mail marketing campaign, without a doubt, is personalization. For this, you already have the basics: a list of your contacts that you have been building through segmentation, personalized attention, social networks, and blog. This is in addition to some other referral campaign that you have made in your business. Through email, you can inform your audience about news, offers, discounts, incentives, and others.


Analyze in detail and deeply the characteristics of your target, to find the keywords to use in your ads. Be brief and concise when detailing your products, promotions, offers, and discounts. Use at least one of the selected keywords and always use a call to action that motivates the user to visit your website such as “click on the link” or “get a discount.”

By carefully making a plan, your small budget will never appear to be a limitation to your marketing campaign. When you follow some of these strategies, you will see an improvement in your sales.

You should measure the result of each strategy to know which best work for you. For the strategy that is not very effective, you should adjust it or move to other marketing strategies.

Author Bio:

Melissa Crooks is a content writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem, one of the leading app development companies in New York, USA & India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column. Follow her on Twitter.

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