Eight Successful SEO Techniques For Law Firms In 2018

In 2018, with so many law firms vying for the attention of potential clients, creating and implementing a solid SEO strategy is the key to setting yourself apart and ranking high in search. When it comes to creating a successful SEO campaign for your law firm, what are the secrets to success?

As a licensed attorney turned legal marketer, I know firsthand how important leads are to law firms. For this reason, I have always married SEO strategies to website development. It’s not enough to have a pretty storefront – your target market has to be able to easily find you.

Here are eight techniques to keep in mind:

1. Create Law Hubs

A law hub is simply a hub of content for each major practice area in your law firm. On these pages, you should create articles that answer common questions, solve clients’ problems and educate users. Well-written law hubs carry the potential to be more widely shared and viewed as trustworthy resources, establishing you as a thought leader and driving more traffic to your site.

2. Prioritize Long-Form Content

Content pages of 1,890 words or more are proven to rank higher in search results. Although it may take longer to write, long-form content is well worth the extra effort. Creating content that exhaustively covers a particular topic will capture users searching for that information and lead them to your site.

If your pages include useful information that is of value to your target market, long-form content will help establish you and your law firm as an authority in that area. You can even merge existing pages together to create a piece of long-form content.

3. Include Core Practice Areas In Your Main Website Navigation

Search engines will scan your site to understand the main focus of your business. By including your law firm’s core practice areas in your main navigation, you’ll establish your firm’s focus and increase your odds of ranking highly in search engine results for your practice content.

Conversely, if you bury important practice pages deep within your site, Google may deem that content as less important and rank it lower. Placing practice content front and center in the main navigation also helps boost usability – when potential clients visit your site, they’ll have no trouble identifying the services you offer. So, if you have specific areas, don’t just list “Practice Areas,” but rather, list your actual practice areas on a menu.

4. Avoid Keyword Overstuffing

While keyword phrases are still an important part of any SEO strategy, keywords are diminishing in importance. You should never use a keyword that makes your content sound forced, phony or unnatural.

If the keyword can naturally fit into the content, use it. If not, don’t stuff it into the text. Google is becoming more sophisticated and can detect synonyms for your search terms. The goal is to weave keywords into your content in a way that is contextually relevant and natural.

5. Include Keywords In Alt Tags, Meta Description And Title Tags

Common placements of keyword phrases are in the title tags, meta description and even your alt tags. The title tag is the most important tag on your website and should include your keyword phrase once. Your meta description, while not used in the algorithm itself, can be used as a key reason to click on your search listing.

If you’ve never heard of an alt tag, then your SEO campaign is about to get a boost. Alt tags are text alternatives associated with the images on your site. Screen-reader users will be able to use the alt tag to understand which photos are appearing alongside your content. The alt tag is the perfect opportunity to seamlessly incorporate your keywords, helping your site get the attention it deserves. Just don’t get spammy by overusing alt tags, and be descriptive about what the image shows.

6. Link Appropriately

Part of establishing yourself as an authority and boosting the success of your SEO campaign is understanding the nuances of appropriate linking. Be sure to add internal links to relevant pages on your site. Internal linking can pull users further into your site, driving traffic and conversions. Moreover, add high-quality outbound links to credible outside sites when necessary. Outbound linking to credible sites can help establish your credibility and potentially earn you a quality backlink.

7. Monitor Your Progress

It’s one thing to put your SEO strategy into place, but it’s another to monitor how your SEO campaign is holding up. Consider using an advanced web ranking software to monitor your progress every quarter. This software will provide insight into what’s working and help you identify what might need to change in order to achieve the results you’re seeking.

I recommend tracking rankings with Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics and any number of available search rankings tracking software. You can also manually track via Google AdWords Preview Tool and see various listings in specific cities.

8. Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Instagram is the social media site that has experienced the most dramatic growth recently. This expansion is not something you want to overlook, as the platform can reach potential clients on a new level.

Using hashtags that are aligned with your SEO strategy can help clients find you more easily. Posting real-life photos can make your team more approachable and encourage clients to connect with you online. This might include posting images of the firm participating in charity events or team bonding activities. This goes for all social media platforms – photos get more clicks and likes.

Don’t let another year go by without committing to an SEO campaign that will take your law firm to the next level. With these tips in mind, the sky – or the top of the search results – is the limit.

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