Build your digital marketing arsenal or lose revenues

Gone are the days when brick-and-mortar businesses used to rely solely on traditional marketing tactics to generate revenues, as evolving technology is now pushing most of the industries to focus more on digital marketing.

Falling revenues, hard to reach audience and the diminishing power of traditional marketing—due largely to fast-evolving tech—are some of the reasons that even big corporations are now spending more on digital marketing channels such as social media and web platforms.

The power of digital media can be seen in the current marketing trends, as small businesses that once faced trouble using traditional marketing means such as billboards, newspaper and magazine ads, TV and radio commercials, are now reaching their target audience without having to spend a lot of money—all thanks to the Internet marketing.

Here are two ways you can capitalize on digital marketing:

1)         Social Media

2)         Web Presence

Marketing through social media

Social media is huge these days, with highly engaging platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest making it increasingly easy for businesses to reach the audience faster than ever before.

Making the most out of social media marketing channels is easy as the results of any marketing campaign are measurable, but the glaring aspect of it all is that with a little budget any business can get off to a good start and take their market share.

Facebook: Facebook is arguably the most powerful medium for reaching the right audience for your business. With marketing campaigns you can start with the lowest possible budget, the social media giant has now enabled businesses to tailor their marketing campaigns according to their goals.

Facebook allows marketers to gain the right information and insight about their potential customers. Information like interests, preferences, job, purchases, credit ratings and much more.

If you are low on budget, you can create your own Facebook business page with ease. The social media giant has designed its ad program in a way that even a non-technical person can successfully launch a quick marketing campaign by setting their audience, budget, timeline and the entire payment process.

Big and small corporations in Pakistan are capitalizing on Facebook marketing as it makes it easier to talk directly to the customer without barriers that typically surface in traditional marketing campaigns.  With its massive reach, Facebook also highlights the need for cautious marketing in places like Pakistan where political and cultural sentiments run high—if you want to squeeze the most out of every penny spent in a campaign

Pinterest: With a substantial portion of its audience consisting of women, Pinterest can be a powerful tool for you to strengthen your customer base. Businesses from food, art, fashion, home and interior design, sports and entertainment industries can really capitalize on this popular social media platform.

Pinterest allows businesses to start ad campaigns to reach the target audience and drive the right traffic to your website. In addition to ad campaigns, it also lets you keep track of your audience engagement with your business profile, which can help you gauge how well your marketing efforts are paying off.

Marketing through a strong web presence

Improving revenues through the Internet does not work like handing out your product/service brochure to people on a crowded street, you need a proper business website that is capable of reaching potential customers scattered across the Internet.

When it comes to reaching the right audience through the web, you have two tools at your disposal that are not only cost-effective, but are also powerful for bringing in your desired revenues.


Paid marketing campaigns

Paid marketing, as the name suggests, is all about paying money to search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, to be visible to your target audience and get them to click through your website in the hopes of selling your service or product.

Search engines allow you to set your desired budget for marketing, and your chosen keywords for which you want to appear before your target audience. Once you have chosen to launch a paid campaign through Google or Bing, your website ads will start appearing across your industry-related websites and at the top of search result pages that match your desired keywords. A powerful ad model you can start with is Pay-Per-Click (PPC), which typically charges money only when a visitor clicks through to your website. As long as there are no clicks on your ads that appear before the visitors, you will not be charged.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

By definition, search engine optimization is an activity to make your website more prominent and visible in search engines against your targeted search keyword queries. The entire practice of SEO revolves around appearing on the top page of a search engine against your desired keywords that your potential customer look for.

Going in 2019, the importance of search engine optimization continues to grow as many local businesses and product/services are turning to harness the power of search engine marketing.

If you are a local business or sell services/products through offline means then you should consider putting SEO in the mix because it will increase your revenues dramatically. Here is a comprehensive guide on what seo is all about and you should set up your business presence on the web.

To quickly get your business up and running on the Internet to improve revenues, take these steps into consideration:

Set up an SEO-friendly website

Set up a website that is search engine friendly, not the one that is frowned upon by search engines. Technical issues such as slow speed, unclean coding, little content on your site pages are some of the common SEO pitfalls that can throw your website behind your competitors and you will not be visible to your audience. If you are a non-technical person, your best bet is to hire an SEO (a person who can make your site search friendly) to do all it takes to make your website appear on the first page against your chosen keywords.

Create content that search engines like

Content is the key to your website success as it not also strengthens your brand name, but also lets search engines know your site deserve to appear at the top of search results. Google has officially mentioned that quality content is among the top three ranking signals.

By taking these quick points into consideration, you can create attention-grabbing content both from your brand and search results’ perspective:

Keep your audience in mind

When preparing content for your website, write in a way that it solves your audience problems and gives them a relief in the form of right solutions. If your business is about selling a product, your content must stimulate enough interest in the readers to force them to become your customers.

Be creative

Creative writing skill pays off, but don’t let it get on your nerves. Being creative means your website pages cover all the aspects of information-rich content because search engines easily measure its worth by frequently crawling it. Creative content can typically involve using text, images, infographics and videos on your web pages.

As for text (or content in written form), the nature of your content can change from page to page. For instance, your homepage that typically gives an overview of your business, should have content that describes your services in the best possible manner and fewer words. On the other hand, if you are aiming to introduce the benefits of one of your products, you need to be highly creative in order to stimulate enough interest in your potential customers, even if it means hiring a professional essay writer to put together result-driven content.

Create correct content

Search engines have become smart with time as they can differentiate sloppy content from correct content. Although, not a ranking factor for search results, but mistakes like typos and text that cannot get its message across in simple words can really turn off your readers, and as a result your target revenues. It makes sense to proofread the pages related to your product intro, service-related pages, blog content, detailed essay research on service benefits before you finally uploading it to your website.

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