A no-nonsense guide to SEO and more | Business News

PUBLISHED: 10:00 30 May 2019

Jamie Brown, from the Archant learning and development team, who is leading the series of Digital Decoded seminars. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY


Archant’s Digital Decoded workshops offer a no-nonsense guide to SEO and more. Jamie Brown explains what you’ll learn at the free sessions.

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It’s always a good idea for a business to listen to its customers – and for this reason our Digital Decoded seminars this year are going to focus on SEO.

We claimed success last year with our Digital Decoded seminars, when over 300 delegates attended venues in Norfolk, Suffolk and London to hear our no-nonsense intro to digital marketing.

Feedback since has been good, with delegates telling us that they want to know more about the sticky subject of search engine optimisation (or SEO). Therefore, suitably encouraged, we have decided this year’s Digital Decoded will be around that subject.

Now for those of you with an understanding of SEO, you will wondering how on earth we are going to cover such a huge, technical and nuanced subject – and you would be right.

You see, SEO is vast. SEO is technical. SEO is detailed. SEO is secretive and insular and SEO has even been described as an art.

So here’s what we will talk about.

I have listed subjects so that those new to SEO (actual humans) understand what we will cover, followed by a tech version so that the SEO savants (possibly androids) among you realise we know our onions.

– How a website should be built, what you need on your pages so that Google understands what your business is all about. [Website architecture, link structure and on page hygiene factors for indexation.]

You may also want to watch:

– How a business can affect when it shows up on a mobile phone when a potential customer searches. [Local SEO and analysis of ranking factors in the local pack.]

– How a business can show up in search even if it doesn’t have an office, shop or location customers can visit. [Local pages and nuanced SERPs brought about by RankBrain’s understanding of intent.]

– How a business can use content to get ahead of national brands. [A look at SERPS and how understanding Google’s quality score and needs met metrics can give content a competitive edge.]

People said nice things about last year’s sessions: they said it was engaging, useful and plain speaking.

We have worked hard to make sure we offer value to anyone who attends.

The session will again be plain speaking and easy for an actual human to understand… but if any possible androids do want to attend we’ll happily talk to you too.

Digital Decoded workshops will be held at two venues, with two sessions each day, at 8.30am and 11.30am.

Tuesday June 18 – The Marriott Hotel, Hinchingbrooke Business Park, Huntingdon

Thursday June 20 – Needham House, Little Wymondley, near Stevenage

More information and booking at https://www.archanthub.co.uk/digitaldecoded or call Lynne Pearson on 01438 866011.

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