Achieving Peace of Mind as an Email Marketer with Monica Hoyer | AWeber

Achieving Peace of Mind as an Email Marketer with Monica Hoyer | AWeber

Email on Acid’s Monica Hoyer shares why quality checking emails is so important — and how to do it in a way that doesn’t leave room for human error.

Hitting the send button is stressful.

How can you be certain that you didn’t overlook a typo? Or that your design will display the way you want it to for your entire audience?

Email mistakes can happen to everyone — from solopreneurs to massive Fortune 500 companies. And a mistake can cost you tens, hundreds, or thousands, of dollars.

The solution? Run email marketing quality checks. A streamlined quality checking and testing process can give you peace of mind. 

And having a tool like Email on Acid can help. That’s why we spoke to Email on Acid’s Director of Marketing — Monica Hoyer — on The FWD: Thinking Show about email testing best practices, quality checking, accessibility, and so much more. 

Listen to the episode now.

Why should I quality check my emails?

Email marketing quality checking is one of the most important parts of the email marketing process.

No one is immune to mistakes. After all, we’re all human. And even if you have a team of people reviewing and checking every single email that goes out your door, a mistake or two is bound to happen every now and then.

And checking emails is more than checking for typos. You want to be checking for accessibility and ensuring that your emails won’t go to the spam folder, either.

Why is email accessibility so important?

Email is personal. And if you don’t understand any limitations your audience has, you’re missing out on an important personal touch. 

Plus, Monica shares that if you’re not optimizing your email content for your entire audience, then you’re missing out on part of your profits.

That’s why email accessibility is so important. And why you should do an email accessibility check before every email you send.

What should be part of an email accessibility check? First, make sure you have alt text on every image so that emails read on a home speaker or with screen readers can be read properly. You want to make sure your audience is interpreting your emails the way you intend to, whether they’re reading your email or having your email read to them.

Plus, if you have visually impaired subscribers in your audience, then incorrect or inaccessible color ratios can make it very difficult for them to read. 

Don’t alienate part of your audience with inaccessible emails. Make sure everyone who signs up for your emails can access them. Not only will you build trust among your entire audience, you’re creating deeper personal connections, too.

Related: Learn more about email design with Really Good Email’s Matthew Smith

Trends in email marketing in 2021

Monica believes that personalization and segmentation will continue to be important in email marketing this year.

Plus, the COVID-19 pandemic led to companies sending essentially the same email to their audience. Monica notes that people grew tired of these emails, as they’re typically one-to-many email sends.

It’s time for email to become highly personal again, and treat email marketing like a one-to-one channel.

Finally, Monica believes that we’ll see a resurgence of Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) in email marketing. BIMI requires authentication, but using it means that your brand’s logo is attached to your email messages.

BIMI lets people quickly identify your brand, and have trust that you’re the real deal. If they can see right away that the logo matches the from name, they’re more likely to open it and trust that it’s from the right place.

About Monica Hoyer

With over 20+ years of experience in Email Marketing, Monica has worked at various email service providers and on the brand side. She leads the marketing team at Email on Acid and is well versed in all areas of digital marketing. In her free time, Monica enjoys spending time with her elementary school son and her dog, a beagle rescue.

Check out Email on Acid and follow Monica on Twitter.

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