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Are You Spotting Energetic Blogging Patterns?

I noted something neat yesterday through one of my Facebook Live videos.

Check it out:

I created a longer intro or summary for the video. Because doing so felt fun. Which led to the video getting more views and engagements than my prior videos received.

But it was not about the pattern I spotted. It was not about the cause and effect deal, outright. It was about the *feeling* behind me writing a longer video summary compared to prior videos.

I had fun writing the thorough intro. My fun feeling helped create the higher views and engagement rates.

This is what I call an energetic blogging pattern. You note how feeling good yielded a specific action, and the specific action yielded a good-feeling, successful result.

The old me would have been tricked by this pattern. I would have said to myself:

“Writing a longer video summary will yield increased engagement and page views.”

Which is not true.

I wrote thorough video intros a few times over the past 3 months. No increase in engagement or page views.

But this time I had fun writing the longer video introduction. It felt fun. I did so from an energy of fun, love, harmony and happiness. I felt good doing it. Feeling good before writing the introduction appealed to the increased number of viewers, Like’rs, commentors and Share-r’s on Facebook.

These folks confirmed to me that acting inspired creates a powerful energy that draws in like-minded folks.

I had to check my energy though before writing the intro and creating the video because the energy backing the action is always the difference-maker.

The Tricky Part

If you are like me you may spot patterns from time to time and believe that doing a certain thing will yield success.

Not true.

*Being a certain way* or *feeling a certain* way yields success. Because when you are being or feeling a certain way you move into specific actions or learn how to pull back when you are burned out, and that energy is what really creates your success.

This is the energetic pattern I speak of: noting patterns or habits of feeling awesome, which moved you into awesome feeling actions which yielded awesome feeling results.

It takes an expanded awareness to become present with the idea that you need to check your energy throughout the day. This is challenging at first. But with time, practice and patience you can see and spot energetic patterns.

More importantly, you will cease doing things from a robotic, strained energy and will seek out fun-feeling activities that grow your online presence like wildfire.

Short Video

If you want the short, sweet, condensed, minute long version of the above video peep this on YouTube:

It all boils down to you doing what feels fun, and feels good, with your blog. Persistently.

Example; while writing this post I felt an intuitive nudge to shoot the quick, 1080 p video you see above. I felt it’d be fun to do a clear, crisp video and to toss in a few of my Blogging From Paradise paperbacks as a backdrop. Smart branding. Smart blogging.

But the prime factor in me creating the video was that it felt fun to do. I felt good doing it so that good-feeling energy will help to manifest good-feeling results for me. No straining and striving or pushing which is the stuff most bloggers teach you to do, which is the silly way to go about blogging.

At least from my perspective.

Do what feels fun to you. You will align with like-minded folks who enjoy your delivery, who become rabid fans and who happily spread your blogging message for you.

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