Askia Design Control Gallery - Open Ends

Askia Design Control Gallery – Open Ends

As most of you know, our Christine is an enormously talented individual. Probably the number one person to go to at Askia when you want to know anything about Askia. She is also very helpful and one example of this is that, without any request to do so, she has created a really nice, new gallery of all the Askia Design Controls (ADCs).

So now you can browse through all 47 ADCs and run examples to see if they can be a useful & neat way to make your surveys engaging and responsive, with all the clever work done for you by our team here. You can download the ADC directly from the gallery and it will provide everything you need to utilise these in your own Askia environment.

The Gallery is divided into four sections:

  • ADCs for closed, numeric and open question types
  • ADCs for grid questions
  • ADCs that deal with ranking scenarios
  • Miscellaneous ADCs that include video and audio recording, photo uploads, hotspots, shopping shelves, text highlighters, etc.

The Gallery can be found here – ADC Gallery

Thank you Christine!

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