Be Careful Who You Ask for Blogging Advice

I wrote an entire eBook on lessons I learned from critics:

Related blog posts and resources:

6 Life Lessons I Learned from Nasty Critics

As you see greater blogging success, you get criticized.

No blogger avoids criticism.

Learning how to convert nasty criticism into blogging profits helps you be a highly successful blogger.

Picture This

Imagine someone tossing big rocks at you.

Fools step in front of the rocks, injuring themselves.

Idiots catch the rocks and throw said rocks back at folks, wasting precious time and energy on rock tossing morons.

Wise humans avoid the rocks, allowing the stones to reach terra firma, and build a castle from all the granite-type rocks tossed their way.

Highly successful, happy bloggers are like wise humans; building something meaningful and profitable from inevitable criticism, versus taking criticism personally (stepping in front of rocks) or fighting critics (throwing rocks back at rock throwers).

I wrote 2 eBooks on the topic.

In addition to the prior eBook I also wrote:

How to Turn Harsh Blogging Criticism into Sweet Blogging Profits: 11 Tips

Observe the product page.

I profit through an:

  • eBook version
  • audio book version
  • paperback version
  • mass market paperback version

of the topic.

I make money through 4 income streams based on teaching folks how to profit through blogging criticism.

How can you convert criticism into coin?

Follow these tips.

Breathe Deeply and Relax

Most humans:

  • fight criticism
  • feel the sting of criticism
  • feel embarrassed about being criticized
  • fight critics
  • go into a shell after being criticized

Breathe deep. Relax.

Feel energies and emotions in reaction to being criticized.

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Release said energies.

Be calm, confident and poised.

Establish the proper energy for profiting through criticism.

Gain Clarity

Criticism is a projection of individual; we see ourselves in others.

100% of the time, critics speak 100% of themselves, not you, through their criticism.

Knowing this, you do not take criticism personally. Ditto for gaining clarity in all you do, blogging-wise.

I reacted with anger, annoyance, embarrassment and shame on reading my first few 1 star audio book reviews. Turns out, those fear-based feelings needed to be addressed and released for me to generate more income through audio books.

Increased profits flow to bloggers who feel clear on income channels.

Being criticized forces you to face, embrace and release fears concerning income channels, said clearing resulting in clarity and greater sales.

If you react negatively to criticism, the reaction suggests you have fears to feel and clear regarding the criticism. Clearing these negative energies allows more profits to flow through the income streams because fear strangles income while clarity increases income.

Convert Criticism into Tangible Products

Turn hate into create.

Convert criticism into tangible profits.

Note my 2 eBooks, my audio book and paperback.

Create an online course to help your readers process criticism.

Strike while the iron feels hot; create immediately after receiving criticism to allow your prolific ideas to flow.

Add a price tag.


See Problems and Profit in Projection

I create:

  • blog posts
  • guest posts
  • videos
  • podcasts

based on critical projections bandied about by critics.

Critics may or may not see errors in their ways.

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This was from my 2 month trip to Oman.

I just stress how criticizing promotes their failure, strangles success and prolongs misery and suffering, based on my content.

If critics wake up and read, these folks become likely readers, fans, customers and clients, because if I solved their problems for free I can solve their problems for pay.

Profit through the Discipline of Detached Observation

Observing feelings from a detached, calm, confident energy versus reacting to feelings is a skill most millionaires cultivate.

What better way can you develop this skill than by reading and processing criticism without reacting to your emotions?

Wealthy bloggers observe knee jerk reactions in their being, feel energies, release, and proceed to profit. You see immense patience, persistence, poise and profiting. But the blogger just watches, feels and releases, versus reacting.

Move Up the Energetic Ladder into More Prospering, Higher Circles by Ignoring Critics

Critics vibe from a fear-based, lower, poverty conscious energy.

Ignore these folks to rocket higher in blogging circles, toward a loving, prosperity conscious, profitable energy.

I made blogging friends in high places by completely ignoring lower energy folks, some of whom criticized me and my blog.

Starve lower energies.

Make room for higher energies.

Profit, free yourself and see increasing blogging success.


Related blog posts and resources:

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