The information Bing Ads shows in Automated Extensions gets pulled from a variety of sources, including website content, ad descriptions, search query, Shopping feeds, third-party consumer reviews, and even Twitter. The idea is that automating the extensions saves advertisers the time of creating them on their own while providing the extra information in the ad and performance lift ad extensions can deliver.
Reporting on Automated Extensions can be found in the UI under the Ad Extensions tab.
Advertisers can opt out of all or individual Automated Extensions at the account level.
Currently, 10 Automated Extensions are available in Bing Ads:
- Automated Location Extensions.
- Consumer Ratings.
- Dynamic Ad Enhancements.
- Dynamic Callouts.
- Dynamic Partner Data Enhancements.
- Dynamic Sitelinks.
- Dynamic Structured Snippets.
- Longer Ad Headlines.
- Previous Visits.
- Seller Ratings.