BINGO! – Teacher Tech

Bingo by Alice Keeler

Use Google Sheets to create multiple, different, Bingo boards from your own list.

Bingo Sheet example in Google Sheets


As with all Apps Script coding projects you need to wait a minute for the code to load. Look for the “Bingo” menu to load up next to the Help menu.

Choose setUp and authorize the Add on.

25 Checkboxes

The initial setup is 25 checkboxes. You want a minimum of 25 choices for your Bingo boards.

Checkboxes in the spreadsheet

Add More

Have as many options as you want! This Bingo board generator chooses a random 25 items for each board. Continue to add to your list of items beyond the 25. Adding extra checkboxes is one of the fun things about Google Sheets! It is SO EASY! Highlight the blank cells in column A and use the Insert menu to add checkboxes. PRO TIP: The spacebar will check the checkboxes. Highlight all your unchecked checkboxes and press space.

Instead of inserting the checkboxes manually you can use the Bingo menu to Insert checked checkboxes for the additional rows you have.

Title and Other

In cell C1 replace the word TITLE with the title of your Bingo sheet. In D1, delete the word Other, or replace it with a value that will appear below their name.

Make Bingo Sheets

You will be prompted for how many Bingo sheets you want. A unique board will be automatically generated for each. Note, only items that are checked will be included in the Bingo board. If you do not have 25 checked items the result will be blank boxes.

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Print in Portrait

By default, spreadsheets print in landscape. Control P to print and change to “Portrait.” Be sure set the print range beyond just the “Current sheet” to print all of the Bingo boards.

Check the print settings for portrait when printing.

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