Blogging for Beginners: Fall in Love with the Process


Sunday morning. 10:51 AM. Most bloggers take the day off. Few work because few have a genuine passion for blogging. Few blog mainly for fun. I am one of those guys.

As I promote my eBook for raising your vibe, managing my energy played a chief role in my blogging success because how you feel dictates your blogging results. Most bloggers do not feel good because bloggers usually vibe from fear, scarcity, poverty and loss. Do you notice most bloggers struggle? Vibes guys, it is the vibes. If you blog mainly from an energy of fear you struggle, fail and quit. But if you raise your vibe from fear and struggle to love and fun, success begins to find you. Sure, the journey feels uncomfortable sometimes. I know the journey seems scary. We all need to face deep fears on the road to blogging success. But largely, if you raise your vibe through energy management, blogging feels good and you will succeed.

Why Unnoticed?

Think of it this way: most humans live in a world of action. Work hard. Get money. Zero thought is given to how you feel while working, most of the time. If most bloggers around you teach you to work hard and to do specific things like building lists and guest posting, you trust their advice. Meanwhile, most bloggers have no time for energy work because their fear blinds them to their jailer, and, their freedom. Fear jails you. Facing, feeling and releasing fear frees you to blog from an abundant, generous, success-promoting energy.

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I meditate, do deep yin yoga and Kriya yoga daily to manage my energy. I also power walk daily to manage my vibe. Following my routine feels freeing but highly uncomfortable in moments, because doing these things makes you face your fears, so you vibe higher and higher. Most bloggers prefer being afraid and miserable and ignorant versus being uncomfortable in moments, facing fears, vibing higher and succeeding. This is why few bloggers never mention energy management and also, why the topic goes unnoticed.

What Is My Secret?

I *appear* to outwork most bloggers because the *truth* is I vibe from a peaceful, calm vibe, mostly, allowing me to see above, around or through most fear-based obstacles crippling bloggers. On this Sunday, most bloggers will say,

“I take off from blogging, because Sunday is family time.” 

But how much effort would it take not to watch Netflix or to pull yourself away from your family for 45 minutes tonight and to write a blog post? You would need to face and feel your fear-based attachment to self-service and pleasure, or, to family duties, to release the fear-attachment, and then, to replace with service to humanity by writing the blog post. This would feel highly unpleasant because fear feels unpleasant. But if you want to be as prolific as me, you go through these uncomfortable fear-feeling sessions, to think less about yourself and your needs, and to think more about serving humanity through your blog.

This is my secret: managing my energy. I vibe more and more from generosity, abundance and detachment because I feel uncomfortable fears, and I feel those fears because I spend a significant amount of time managing my energy through yoga, meditation and exercise. The upside is so worth it. I get to help more people and the bonus is I get to experience more blogging success.

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