Blogging Mindset: How to Go from Survival Mode to Servant to Stunning Success

Gordon Gekko embodied blogging for money. He said what is worth doing is worth doing for money.

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I agree with that idea. Not with his insider trading.

Old GG clues you in to how to boost blogging profits.

If you blog you should make money blogging because you live a worldly life.

I see monks on alms every morning here in Northern Thailand. Monks do not need money. Buddhists give to the cloth, supplying monks with food and goods. A dazzling looking wat, or temple, sits 1 minute from the house. I hear gongs each evening at 6 PM, bringing the monks to some ritual. You should hear it too; quite serene and commanding, at the same time. I love living in foreign lands.

Blogging for Money

If you live like a monk you can shun money because you shun material things and a life of leisure. If you choose a worldly life just get comfortable receiving money through your blog. Or receiving more money through your blog.

Money helped me travel to New Zealand, where I snapped this dazzling photo.

blogging for money

Money is a car, a home, my plane tickets to Thailand, food, movie tickets, all that good stuff.

Blogging for money simply helps you live your dreams through blogging.

Whether you made millions online or are in a different tax bracket the same tips apply to making money with your blog.

See yourself as being successful. Money flows from within. I see this more daily. I feel good about my prospering. Money flows to me. My outside world reflects my focus on success. Feel successful. See your blogging wins. Observe your blogging wins, success and profits expand beautifully.

1: Focus on Money Flowing to You Easily

Million dollar bloggers and billion dollar entrepreneurs believe clearly that money flows to them easily. I concur.

Money is an inner game. Money begins in mind. As Bob Proctor says; money is in consciousness.

Warren Buffet has been one of the richest people on earth for decades. He said he never doubted he’d be really rich. His belief became so.

See money flowing to you easily. Visualize it. I do this multiple times daily. I affirm freely. I feel money flowing to me easily and see money around me, appearing out of the ethers.

Money flows to me easily these days. Plus money making ideas flow to me easily. I execute the ideas. The results rock.

My blog post ranks on Page 1 Position 3 for “advanced blogging tips” super quickly. I just published the post a few days ago.

Click here to read the post:

Advanced Blogging Tips

Plus I noticed how I nailed down 5 positions on page 2 of Google for “pro blogging tips” the other day.


I affirmed my wealth, felt more and more money flowing to me easily and saw more money flowing to me easily.

Do this is you are a 6 figure earner looking for greater profits. Money is an inner belief.

2: Learn How to Make Money Blogging From Top Pros

Top pros teach you how to become successful, full time bloggers.

Top pros teach successful, full time bloggers how to make more and more money.

Study wealth acquisition from wealthy people who live their dreams. Acquire wealth. Simple and quite easy way to prosper freely.

This tip is how most bloggers gain wealth quickly. They focus on advice offered by prospering bloggers and follow it from an abundant, dream-focused, success conscious vibe.

Read pro blogs. Invest money in pro courses. Hire pros to coach you. Profit.

I learned from top pro Alonzo Pichardo to create content and let it do what it does. Have posture. Know you succeed, now. Know your content will carry far and wide.

I shared this success conscious view with my readers via this video, which Alonzo promoted to his Facebook Page:

Pros remind you success and prospering is your birthright. Top pros offer proven practical tips for prospering but share the most important mindset tips to align you with blogging profits. Listen to them.

3: Count Money Wins

Count every single money win you recall from the past few years. Making $1 is a money win. Making $1,000,000.00 is a money win. Money loves you. Money loves being recognized. Recognize money. See your wealth acquired.

Sit down right now. Count your clients, course sales, affiliate sales and eBook sales. Be thorough. Money loves if you love noting money you made.  Where your attention and energy goes, grows.

Give your attention to money you manifested to make more money through your blog. Make more money.

4: Create on Topic and Inspire

Create on topic content to inspire your readers.

Stick to your niche. Be known in specific blogging circles.

Inspire readers to live their dreams through your:

  • blog posts
  • live broadcasts
  • podcasts

always infusing your positive, can do, success conscious energy into your posts.

Me by a massive yacht during my trip to Qatar. Pretty sweet boat.

I love adding my tropics selfies to every blog post. I make sure my readers soak up my life here in this sleepy, tropical village in Northern Thailand, pausing for a few minutes during videos between advice offered. Top bloggers love my delivery because many still seek the key to freedom; I help boost their profits and free them from a successful but confining lifestyle.

I also inspire top bloggers who live their dreams vicariously through me; maybe a few even decide to up and travel as well.

As these big dawg blogging pros promote me I boost my blogging profits.

Success Is Yours by Default

You are born into success.

Success is yours by default.

Seize your heritage.

Profit through your blog.

Develop your money mindset. Your energy and focus dictate your blogging income more than anything else. Successful bloggers speak their success into existence by visualizing their good and calmly, confidently seeing their success come into form. New mind, new blog. New mind, greater blogging profits.

Go within to see a new world. Go within to change the without.

All of your blogging success is an inside game. Since you succeed by default you simply go within, see your dream life unfolding before your eyes, in your imagination, and you know it will be so.


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