Blogging While Traveling: Quick Tips on How to Make It Work

Do you see that featured image?

Passion brought me to Bagan, Myanmar.

Not wild, fear-filled excitement.

I have seen thousands of bloggers flame out during my 10 years online.

Most claimed to be incredibly passionate about their niche and blogging in general.

After 2 weeks, 3 months or 2 years of blogging, all of these bloggers get disgusted and quit.


Said bloggers lied to themselves. None were genuinely passionate. Passion is love, fun, peace, generosity, and a calm, confident, clear sense of detachment.

None of these bloggers embody any of that energy.

The flame out crowd REALLY began blogging from a wild, fear-based excitement, being hellishly attached to outcomes. None of these bloggers bothered to develop skills. None of the bloggers bothered following top bloggers for sound advice. None of these bloggers bothered to invest money in an eBook or course which would lead them in the right direction.

Of course not.

Wild excitement is rampant fear. Fear blinds you, pulling you away from the passionate, generous, clear, calm, peaceful path, toward the fear-filled, wild, excited, failing path.

Be Honest Guys

Wild excitement is not passion.

Most bloggers dive into blogging being wildly excited, with visions of huge pay days and seeing themselves being interviewed by world famous icons.

I chuckle because I was the same guy 10 years ago, on some level. I had some passion for blogging but also saw myself being on Oprah after a few months or maybe a year. Yeah right. Fear deludes you into believing you are actually skilled enough after 1 year of practice to appear on an iconic, world famous show.

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People who appeared on Oprah when she had her national show practiced for 5, 10 or 20 years, diligently, through their passionate, generous, detached energy, to earn the right to appear on Oprah. These were not wildly excited folks who did things from an energy of fear, impatience and attachment.

Being honest with yourself is the fear step in admitting you blog primarily to GET money and fame (fear aka wild excitement) versus blogging primarily to GIVE (love aka follow your passion, blog for fun, being generous, calm and detached), because honesty cuts to the core of the matter.

Passionate Bloggers Are Patient Persistent Calm and Detached

Passionate bloggers blog mainly to have fun blogging on some topic to help people. These bloggers do not panic after staring at numbers on a screen. Nor do these bloggers desperately check stats every 2 hours, frantically trying to get, get, get, and to see how they are doing. If you genuinely blog to follow your passion, you already know how you are doing: good! You feel good, help people and have fun. Numbers will increase over time if you do not worry aka fear numbers.

Passion is a calm, stable vibe. Not desperate, frantic or frenzied, like most new bloggers who dive into blogging with an unstable, attached, wild vibe.

Genuine, true passion inspires you to do a handful of things as a newbie blogger:

  • pick a niche you feel passionate about
  • follow 1 to 3 blogging tips mentors to ensure you learn a sound, proven blogging strategy
  • invest money in a domain and hosting
  • invest money in a course or eBook to learn how to blog effectively via valued resource
  • let go any focus on traffic and profits stats, knowing that good things take time and that success will flow to you
  • develop a sense of knowing that you will succeed
  • help people generously across a wide range of online platforms, including your blog, Facebook videos and YouTube videos
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After creating thousands and thousands and thousands of pieces of content over a decade, and after creating 10 pieces of content today, I live broadcast this 14 minute long YouTube video at the end of a busy day:

That my blogging friends is passion.

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