Building Links Via Twitter – EconoTimes

Social media has boomed over the past few years, and Twitter is one medium which has particularly excelled. The popular social networking website possesses a wealth of marketing and search engine optimization opportunities. One key component of SEO which needs to be utilised effectively is link building. Read on to discover how to use Twitter as part of a great link building strategy.

1. Give people the option to share your content

If you provide interesting and good quality content, then there is no reason as to why people won’t want to share it with their friends. Nevertheless, they are unlikely to do so by taking the time to actually copy and paste the link. Thus, it is recommended that you utilise one of the many Twitter share badges which are available on your website. You can insert a share badge with every post you create so that all people need to do to share your content on Twitter is to click a button.

2. Link to your Twitter page when possible

When utilizing SEO link building tactics, you need to provide quality links inbound to your website, inbound to your Twitter account, and outbound from your Twitter to your website. Creating quality inbound links to your Twitter is important because Twitter provides promotional potential but is also great for creating loyal customers and a strong brand image. Thus, when you write an article, you should then link your Twitter account in the author section. Moreover, you should be linking to other social media accounts such as Facebook and LinkedIn in order to get maximum engagement and results from your link building efforts.

3. Find relevant Twitter accounts to build relationships with

In order to get others to create links for you, you need to build relationships with them. Nevertheless, you need to ensure that these are with Twitter accounts which are relevant to your business and the industry that you operate in. This is important because it means that your search engine optimization strategy will pull in targeted traffic if these accounts share your content, thereby improving your overall conversion rate.

4. Get your customers to link to your website

When customers have brought a product from your website you should give them the opportunity to Tweet about it. You can even create set tweets which the user can utilize or edit if they wish, for example: “I just bought this [URL] from *name of store*, what do you think?” The person’s friends are assured to take a peak if they are sharing this about their experience shopping with you.

5. Run competitions

Running competitions is a great way to create links to your website. One of the best formats is as follows: “Tweet us the link of your favourite item to win it”. Make sure you incorporate a branded hashtag as well. This is a great method of SEO link building because it is a win-win situation; people get the chance to win a product, and you win more page views. Moreover, if people don’t win the competition then quite a few will be likely to buy the product they selected anyway.

6. Different Twitter accounts for business units or employees

Having several different accounts – per sectors of your business, or for each employee, is a great way of drumming up as much interest as possible and posting more links whilst doing so naturally. Moreover, a lot of people may be likely to pay attention to an individual’s account rather than a business as a whole because it is more personal and real.

If you use the six tips mentioned in this article then you can use Twitter as a great link building and search engine optimization platform. This should definitely be part of your marketing mix, and should be utilized concurrently with other social media platforms in order to get the best results.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or management of EconoTimes.

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