Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Company Has Trimmed United Technologies (UTX) Holding; Godaddy Class A (GDDY) Shorts Raised By 34.79%

GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) Logo

Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Company decreased United Technologies Corp (UTX) stake by 5.15% reported in 2018Q3 SEC filing. Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Company sold 5,525 shares as United Technologies Corp (UTX)’s stock declined 10.65%. The Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Company holds 101,775 shares with $14.23M value, down from 107,300 last quarter. United Technologies Corp now has $109.44B valuation. The stock decreased 0.15% or $0.19 during the last trading session, reaching $127. About 1.18M shares traded. United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) has declined 2.44% since February 27, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 2.44% the S&P500. Some Historical UTX News: 09/04/2018 – Pratt & Whitney Features Geared Turbofan™ and Wasp Engines as Sponsor of Aerospace Maintenance Competition; 10/04/2018 – Washington UTC: UTC: Utilities must offer customers an opt-out from advanced meter installation; 26/03/2018 – Washington UTC: UTC names new assistant director of energy regulation; 16/03/2018 – UNITED TECHNOLOGIES INVESTOR MEETING BEGINS IN FLORIDA; 23/05/2018 – United Tech’s Pratt & Whitney to Invest Up to $100M in West Palm Beach Facility; 05/04/2018 – Pratt & Whitney wins JetBlue engine order; 18/05/2018 – Middleby to Buy Taylor From United Technlogies Unit UTC Climate, Controls & Securit; 25/05/2018 – Thales eyes bolt-on M&A but not chasing scale of U.S. rivals; 04/05/2018 – UNITED TECH HOLDER THIRD POINT CALLS FOR CO. TO SPLIT INTO 3; 30/05/2018 – Otis Signs Historic Escalator Contract with SNCF French Rail

Godaddy Inc Class A (NYSE:GDDY) had an increase of 34.79% in short interest. GDDY’s SI was 6.75M shares in February as released by FINRA. Its up 34.79% from 5.01 million shares previously. With 2.27 million avg volume, 3 days are for Godaddy Inc Class A (NYSE:GDDY)’s short sellers to cover GDDY’s short positions. The stock increased 1.05% or $0.79 during the last trading session, reaching $75.89. About 1.64 million shares traded or 7.99% up from the average. GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) has risen 34.41% since February 27, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 34.41% the S&P500. Some Historical GDDY News: 08/05/2018 – GODADDY INC GDDY.N SEES FY 2018 REVENUE UP ABOUT 18 PCT; 08/05/2018 – GoDaddy Sees 2Q Rev $640M-$645M; 08/05/2018 – GODADDY INC – RAFAEL WILL RESIGN FROM GODADDY’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS; 28/03/2018 – “Let’s Do This” – GoDaddy Reveals Danica’s Final Ride; 20/05/2018 – GODADDY REPORTS PROPOSED SHR SALE BY SELLING STOCKHOLDERS; 01/05/2018 – GoDaddy Presenting at JPMorgan Conference May 15; 08/05/2018 – GODADDY INC QTRLY TOTAL BOOKINGS OF $783.1 MLN, UP 25.3% YEAR OVER YEAR; 28/05/2018 – The End Of An Era In Motorsports – Danica Retires From Racing; 08/05/2018 – GODADDY INC – FOR FULL YEAR 2018, GODADDY IS RAISING ITS UNLEVERED FREE CASH OUTLOOK TO $615 MLN TO $625 MLN; 07/03/2018 Stage Is Set For Danica’s Epic Racing Career Finale

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GoDaddy Inc. designs and develops cloud technology products for small businesses, Web design professionals, and individuals in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $13.17 billion. It provides domain name registration product that enables to engage clients at the initial stage of establishing a digital identity; hosting and presence products, such as shared Website hosting, Website hosting on virtual dedicated servers and dedicated servers, managed hosting, and security. It has a 168.64 P/E ratio. The firm also offers Website builder, an online tool that enables clients to build Websites; online store product that allows clients to create their own standalone Website with an integrated online store optimized for mobile shopping; and search engine visibility product that helps clients get their Websites found on search sites through search engine optimization.

Among 10 analysts covering GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY), 8 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 80% are positive. GoDaddy had 12 analyst reports since September 14, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, February 21 by J.P. Morgan. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, February 21 by Oppenheimer. The rating was maintained by SunTrust on Wednesday, February 20 with “Buy”. Piper Jaffray maintained the shares of GDDY in report on Thursday, February 21 with “Buy” rating. Barclays Capital maintained the shares of GDDY in report on Thursday, February 21 with “Overweight” rating. On Thursday, February 21 the stock rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley with “Overweight”. Citigroup upgraded GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) on Thursday, October 11 to “Buy” rating. On Thursday, February 21 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Buy”. The rating was maintained by Citigroup on Thursday, February 21 with “Buy”. The stock of GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) earned “Buy” rating by JMP Securities on Thursday, February 21.

More notable recent GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) news were published by: which released: “GoDaddy Inc. 2018 Q4 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” on February 20, 2019, also with their article: “GODADDY, INC. (NYSE:GDDY) – Q4 Earnings Preview For GoDaddy – Benzinga” published on February 20, 2019, published: “Private equity firms put millions of GoDaddy shares on the block – Phoenix Business Journal” on February 26, 2019. More interesting news about GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) were released by: and their article: “New Research Coverage Highlights GoDaddy, BLACKLINE INC, Columbia Property Trust, Viacom, PPG Industries, and Talend SA — Consolidated Revenues, Company Growth, and Expectations for 2019 – GlobeNewswire” published on February 22, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “GoDaddy Inc. Announces Proposed Sale of Shares of Common Stock – PRNewswire” with publication date: February 25, 2019.

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Among 6 analysts covering United Technologies Corp (NYSE:UTX), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. United Technologies Corp had 7 analyst reports since November 26, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Overweight” rating given on Monday, December 17 by Barclays Capital. JP Morgan maintained the stock with “Overweight” rating in Friday, February 22 report. The company was maintained on Friday, January 11 by Barclays Capital. On Friday, January 4 the stock rating was downgraded by RBC Capital Markets to “Sector Perform”. Morgan Stanley maintained the shares of UTX in report on Wednesday, November 28 with “Buy” rating. Citigroup maintained it with “Neutral” rating and $120 target in Friday, January 4 report.

Since January 30, 2019, it had 0 buys, and 3 selling transactions for $2.50 million activity. Dumais Michael R had sold 9,620 shares worth $1.15M on Wednesday, January 30. 10,089 shares were sold by Amato Elizabeth B, worth $1.25M. $104,916 worth of United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) shares were sold by Bailey Robert J..

Investors sentiment increased to 1.09 in Q3 2018. Its up 0.07, from 1.02 in 2018Q2. It is positive, as 31 investors sold UTX shares while 518 reduced holdings. 125 funds opened positions while 474 raised stakes. 628.79 million shares or 0.08% less from 629.27 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Narwhal holds 20,390 shares or 0.63% of its portfolio. Toth Advisory Corp owns 90 shares. Lodestar Inv Counsel Limited Company Il has 2.78% invested in United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX). Woodstock holds 2.08% of its portfolio in United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) for 88,229 shares. Roberts Glore And Il has 0.8% invested in United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) for 10,006 shares. Profit Investment Limited Liability Corp holds 8,251 shares or 1.29% of its portfolio. Verity Verity Limited Liability Co invested in 75,172 shares or 2.53% of the stock. Marshall Sullivan Wa holds 2.92% of its portfolio in United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) for 28,739 shares. Berkshire Asset Mgmt Limited Pa holds 6,877 shares or 0.08% of its portfolio. Tokio Marine Asset Mgmt Commerce Ltd accumulated 3,858 shares or 0.09% of the stock. Adell Harriman & Carpenter reported 66,697 shares. Livingston Asset Com (Operating As Southport Capital Management) invested in 0.48% or 8,092 shares. Bank Of Mellon Corporation invested 0.33% of its portfolio in United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX). Page Arthur B has 2.13% invested in United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) for 18,020 shares. Homrich And Berg has 5,861 shares for 0.05% of their portfolio.

United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX) Institutional Positions Chart

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