adwords bid management

Reasons for Not Using an Automated PPC Bidding Strategy

April 23, 2018 AdWords offers many fantastic automated PPC Bidding Strategies for your accounts and campaigns. In a previous article, I discussed When Flexible Bid Strategies Are Right For You.  Recently, Krista Hsieh wrote an excellent article about Testing New Bidding Strategies Through AdWords Experiments. In this article, we are going to discuss reasons you might want […]

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All You Need to Know to Succeed With CPA Bidding

September 15, 2017 Using CPA bidding is like living with an unpredictable pet. He’s as likely to bite your guest’s hand as he is to be a saint. There are mixed feelings about using Target CPA bidding. But there’s one big question: are there enough benefits to CPA bidding to rationalize forfeiting the control that manual bid

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