BrandViews / Seismic

4 Ways Smart Sales Enablement Solutions Change Marketers Lives

Marketers, by their nature, are constantly looking for ways to improve everything they do. Marketers are constantly reading industry publications, participating in events, and always on the hunt for the latest technological innovations. Sales enablement solutions are one of the areas we can see marketers’ hunger for constant improvements shine through. However, not all sales

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3 Proven Ways to Increase the Value of Your Sales Content

If you’re a reader of Smart Selling Tools, chances are you understand the inherent value in equipping sellers with the materials they need to engage buyers. But what is that value, exactly? We at Seismic recently partnered with research firm Demand Metric to find out the true value of sales content. After surveying more than

3 Proven Ways to Increase the Value of Your Sales Content Read More »

1 Shocking Stat About Content ROI and Content Metrics

We talk a lot about the importance of measuring the effectiveness of all the content that Marketing creates. It’s necessary to have insights into how those pieces are performing to ensure that resources and time aren’t being wasted. Not only is it important to measure whether Sales is actually using the content, it’s also crucial

1 Shocking Stat About Content ROI and Content Metrics Read More »

Buyers Want Sellers Prepared and Content Personalized

Salesforce recently released their 2017 State of Marketing report. It’s the fourth annual bird’s eye view of the marketing landscape released by the company. The survey of over 3,500 marketing leaders from around the globe is an important litmus test for marketing professionals and their efforts. The report covers a range of topics and provides

Buyers Want Sellers Prepared and Content Personalized Read More »

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