content engagement

How to Double Your Content Marketing Results—Without Spending a Dime [Webinar of the Week]

If you talk to most content marketers about their work, they’ll talk about it like they’re living in a scene from Field of Dreams. But I’m here to tell you: if you build it, they won’t (necessarily) come. That’s a myth of modern content marketing. Even so, I believe in content marketing. I wrote a […]

How to Double Your Content Marketing Results—Without Spending a Dime [Webinar of the Week] Read More »

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5 Reasons No One Cares About Content Marketing

If you’re like many content marketers, when you tell your mom your job title, she reacts with a perplexed smile and something like, “Oh, so what do you do?” An explanation fit for a layperson only yields a brief, labored expression before giving way to an epiphany: “So you’re a writer?” “Yeah,” you say, realizing

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Why Smarter Marketing Strategy Is Better Strategy

Once upon a time, simply having a social media strategy was considered a win. In the early days of social media, B2B tech marketing teams kicked off Facebook and Twitter campaigns and patted each other on the back as the likes and followers came rolling in. Fast forward a decade. Now that 86 percent of

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